Graduation is indeed the most beautiful moment let alone supported by photo evidence for memories. The first day the 76th graduation of Unesa passed 500 people from 1515 graduates. The photo was taken at the Public Relations Office of the Ketintang Campus every working day starting Wednesday March 13 ... The group photo taken by the chancellor was very special indeed. No doubt already 30% of new alumni have taken photos of memories shaking hands with the chancellor and the dean.
Of the 500 people who took the most photos today from FIP. "From FIP there are 36 students followed by 328 FT Postgraduate 145 FMIPA 167 FIK 114 FBS 150 FIS 151 and FE 124 " said Toni photo distribution officer. Taking photos will take place next 1 week. The alumnus can take on weekdays and working hours at 07.00-15.00 but at 12.00-13.00 rest. (gilang / syt)
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