Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-As a pilot campus for inclusion in Indonesia, the State University of Surabaya continues to innovate and organize activities that lead to improving the quality of accessibility for persons with disabilities in various fields. Recently, the “Growing with Character” campus held an online webinar “Accessibility of Disability-Friendly Health Facilities”, Friday (17/06/2022).
The webinar presented several competent speakers in their fields, namely Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc., Dean of the Faculty of Education UNESA, Agus Mashud S. Asngari, President Director of the Pertamina Foundation, Iis Hendro Gunawan, SH., MM., Chair of the Surabaya City DWP, Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd., Head of PSLD Unesa and Professor of Inclusive Education, Onny Fransinata Anggara, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist, UNESA Psychology Lecturer who is also a member of the humanities psychology service center of Probolinggo City, and dr. . Dede Kurniawati, Head of Jenu Health Center, Tuban.
Starting the webinar, Drs. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc. said that UNESA is a state university campus that has three excellences, one of which is in the field of disability as evidenced by the receipt of an award from the ministry of education as a disability-friendly campus in 2013.
Agus Mashud S. Asngari explained that the rapid development of technology also had an impact on the development of health facilities for people with disabilities. He appreciated UNESA for being an example for the creation of several programs for people with disabilities. "We give our appreciation to UNESA who is committed to our friends with disabilities to always care for them," he continued.
Iis Hendro Gunawan, SH., MM., explained that the government has also developed innovations and programs related to the accessibility of public services in the city of Surabaya, such as public transportation and several other integrated and disability-friendly supporting facilities to help their basic needs independently.
"And thank God, with the role of UNESA and the Pertamina Foundation, we can realize disability-friendly health facilities, (so) we really need to appreciate the existence of public service facilities without discrimination," he explained.

Prof. Dr. Budiyanto, M.Pd. explained, technological advances made media and information services very easily accessible to people with disabilities, one of which was blind people who were able to access social media. "In the future, related to social and physical facilities that exist in our environment, it will be a material for common thoughts so that friends with disabilities will have convenience in their activities," he said.
Onny Fransinata Anggara, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist explained that around 2.8 million Indonesians have various types of disabilities, thus encouraging all elements of the nation to be able to provide them with special treatment. "This is because people with disabilities have many dimensions, one of which is psychological, in practice they have the potential to experience psychological disorders so that it will interfere with their performance," he explained.
In the final session, dr. Dede Kurniawati explained about the implementation of accessibility for people with disabilities in health services at the Jenu Health Center, Tuban. He explained that the provision of accessibility facilities cannot focus on certain types of disabilities, but also other types of disabilities so that people with disabilities of any type can access the available facilities independently.
In addition to webinars, on that occasion there was also an identification service session and technical guidance for low vision children to become capable, skilled, inclusive and professional change agents. #UNESASatuLangkahDi Front [UNESA Public Relations]
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Al'asyiah
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