The convention on the second day was packaged in the form of a talk show and FGD with the presence of the director general or secretary general within the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA--The XI Indonesian National Education Convention (Konaspi) at Graha UNESA was filled with discussions by academics, practitioners and higher education leaders LPTKNI (Indonesian National Education Personnel Education Institute).
On the second day (Tuesday, 9 October 2024) Konaspi was discussed several times, one of which was a discussion that led to formulating an education transformation strategy to realize a Golden Indonesia 2045.
One of the themes that dominated the discussion was about the direction of education policy as explained by Ferry Maulana Putra ( Acting Director of Professional Teacher Education, Directorate General of GTK), and Praptono (Secretary General of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Secondary Education).

In the second session the discussion focused on the role of LPTK, and strengthening teachers towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
Ferry Maulana Putra emphasized the importance of transformation PPG to create professional and prosperous teachers. He explained that pre-service and in-service PPG will be integrated into one system that produces quality and prosperous teachers.
Teachers are an important foundation in educational transformation. They are the ones who deal directly with the students in class. Therefore, their quality must continue to be improved and their welfare must be considered.

LPTK's commitment to realizing superior human resources towards the great vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.
"PPG is not a development endpoint teacher competency, but rather the beginning of a lifelong learning process," he said.
Apart from that, a number of speakers also discussed the role of LPTK in preparing superior human resources, namely Ganefri (professor at Padang State University), Suroto (UNESA professor), Budiyanto (UNESA professor), and Warih Handayaningrum (UNESA professor).
Konaspi XI emphasized the crucial role of LPTK in preparing superior human resources to face future challenges. Discussions about policy, PPG transformation, and technology integration show the need to adapt the education system to current developments. It is hoped that the use of technology and AI can create more inclusive, relevant and effective education.[]
Reporter: Zakariya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol), Moch Ja'far Sodiq (FIP),
Tarisa Adistia (FBS), Fatimah Najmu Shofa (FBS), Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol), and Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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