Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The Faculty of Engineering, Vocational Program and Artificial Intelligence Unit and UNESA Scientific Publications held The Fourth International Conference on Vocational Education and Electrical Engineering (ICVEE) 2021 with the theme "Strengthening Engagement With Communities Through Artificial Intelligence Application In Education, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" on Saturday , 02 October 2021. The event will last until Sunday, 03 October 2021.
The conference was attended by participants, representative speakers from various countries, from the United Kingdom (UK), Portugal, Japan, India, Taiwan, to Saudi Arabia. As a speaker, namely, Prof. Nobuo Funabiki from the Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering-Okayama University Japan, Prof. Subir Kumar Sarkar Head of Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering-Jadavpur University India, and Muhammad Ghifary, Ph.D Vice President of Digital Banking Division PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
In addition, there is also Prof. Manuel Gradim de Oliveira Gericota from the Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering–Polytechnic of Porto Portugal and Dr. Taufiq Asyhari Head of the Future Information Networks (FINET) Research Cluster at Birmingham City University (BCU).
Arif Widodo, ST, M.Sc as the chairman of the committee stated that through the conference it was possible to bring together various researchers and experts who discussed various ideas or issues regarding theory and practice in the fields of electrical engineering, informatics engineering, technical education and vocational education in increasing knowledge and insight. for the advancement of technology for humanity.
Dr. Ir. Wiseto Agung from the IEEE Community Society Indonesia Chapter stated that one of the IEEE senior members, Prof. Roberto Sarako, predicted the scenario after the pandemic. "His observations include, during the pandemic, we use digital access or remote access to access companies and significantly increase this change, increasing demand for new education and new skills in the transformation of the education ecosystem for humans," he explained.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNESA stated that UNESA is committed to always contributing to the development of education, science, technology in Indonesia. "Both in the form of conferences and the creations and innovations of students and lecturers," he said.
Prof. Nobuo Funabiki explained the topic 'PLAS Project (Programming Learning Assistant System) for Programming Self Study' which explains how to learn programming for self study. In conclusion, Prof. Nobuo introduced the steps of the PLAS self-study tool programming, and the project between Indonesia and Myanmar and invited participants to take part in the PLAS project on the Okayama University website. (QQ)
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