Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - As a form of community service lecturers are required and required to participate in fostering the community in accordance with their knowledge and expertise. This concern has been reflected in the activities carried out by academics aimed at improving the welfare of the community.
Dr. Jun Surjanti S.E. M.Sc and his team as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics Surabaya State University conducted community service titled maintaining the existence of the Street Vendors in Surabaya. The activity was motivated by the lack of awareness of street vendors to cleanliness and the concept of presentation given to consumers. In addition problems also experienced by street vendors are related to the determination of the cost of production. Therefore with the existence of the Partnership PKM program aims to provide training and mentoring to street vendors related to hygiene issues and the concept of presentation. Jun Jun his nickname stated that street vendors have an important role in the economy in society in addition they are also able to open up employment opportunities for the community. "The food they serve must be clean so that consumers are not negatively affected by less clean food" he said. he said excitedly. In addition no less important in this activity is the procedure for presentation given to consumers so that it looks more attractive and makes consumers more loyal.
This program is part of the Sustainable Development Goals program > (SDGs) or sustainable development which has 17 pillars in which one pillar is without hunger without poverty reduced inequality and so on. This program is expected to improve the economic quality of street vendors so that the level of inequality will be reduced. (why)
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