Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Surabaya State University held a student career assistance workshop with the theme "Preparing Your Career Means Preparing Your Future" at Auditorium T2, FBS, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Monday, September 25 2023.
This activity involved two startup recruitment analysts, Dayalima, namely Marisa Tifany and Nadia Listya. Deputy Dean for Learning, Research and Community Service, Student Affairs and FBS Alumni, Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd., M.A., Ph.D., said, this workshop is an ongoing program and a form of FBS UNESA's commitment to guaranteeing student careers.
Career guidance, he continued, is part of guidance and counseling and includes the work program of the FBS BK Team through synergy with FBS BK study program lecturers. "This activity is part of our efforts as mandated by IKU-1 or to encourage graduates to get decent jobs," he said.
Meanwhile, Ajeng Dianing Kartika, S.S., M.Hum., as a Counseling Guidance lecturer, said that this activity started in 2016 with the form of career guidance. In order to guarantee the future of students, they have a number of other programs such as student workshops and socialization of anti-bullying and sexual violence movements.
"We are collaborating with the UNESA Career Center regarding the two presenters who were present on this occasion. We hope that students will receive provisions so that they can have their own career strategies," he said.
In the material session, Marisa Tiffany explained the recruitment process and tips for attracting recruiters. According to him, the recruitment process for a job is different in each targeted sector.
For example, in the industrial sector there are stages of sourcing, screening, interview, psychological test, and offering. Then in the education sector there are stages of sourcing, interviews, microteaching and lesson plans, psychological tests and offerings.
In the industrial sector there are sourcing, screening, interviews, psychological tests, user interviews, offering. Then in the government sector there are other stages starting from sourcing, administration screening, assessment of SKD and SKB, and announcement.

He explained that in attracting recruiters several things need to be considered. These include an attractive CV and not a template, being impressive during the interview session, having a good attitude, and understanding the background of the job you are applying for.
He further emphasized that it is important to write a CV using the correct identity, describing your personality concisely and interestingly, and including clear and detailed experience. "A good CV is a good profile," he said.
Similarly, Nadia Listya explained what needs to be prepared when undergoing an interview session for those who pass the file or CV selection. There are things you need to pay attention to, such as arriving on time, predetermined appearance or outfit, body language, paying attention to every question asked by HRD, and at the end of the interview it is recommended to ask questions regarding the process or next stages after the interview.
Meanwhile, things that should be avoided during an interview include, 1) arriving late, 2) looking messy, 3) resisting the desire to know the information you want to dig up, 4) exaggerating or misrepresenting qualifications, 5) providing personal information that is unnecessary and not to the point. (*)
Reporter Team: Saputra/Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah *
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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