Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA--Increasing digital literacy skills and awareness of Indonesia's young generation continues to be carried out by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture together with the Indonesian Chancellors Forum (FRI) and Surabaya State University (UNESA). For this reason, they are holding a Digital Literacy Youth Camp in Trawas, on 22-24 September 2023.
This activity involving five Pancasila villages pioneered by UNESA is a series of previous activities, such as equipping students as potential digital literacy facilitators to society.
The output of this activity is in the form of a module. There are four digital literacy pillar modules produced; modules on digital culture, digital ethics, digital skills and digital safety. This module has been tested on more than 100 UNESA Labschool students and has received input from partners, lecturers and experts in the field of digital literacy.
“Now, the module is ready to be applied to the community. "We plan that later we will register this module as IPR," said Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba, S.H., M.H., as the PIC of the activity.
He added that this activity was attended by 26 facilitators and 36 youth from five pioneering Pancasila villages UNESA; Rejuno Village, Ngawi Regency, Widodaren Village, Ngawi Regency, Wonocoyo Village, Trenggalek Regency, Watu Tulis Village, Sidoarjo Regency, and Pesanggrahan Village, Mojokerto Regency.
For Iman, this activity is important for the younger generation. Because digital literacy skills are a tendency for a nation to progress or decline. "UNESA wants to always be connected with the village. "The concept of developing an advanced Indonesia starts from the villages," he said.
Iman continued that the peak of this activity will be held on October 1 in the context of Pancasila's sacred day. "We are scheduling simultaneously in the five villages a Pancasila workshop which will be attended by community leaders, religious leaders, the general public and youth," he explained.
Representing the Chancellor of UNESA, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd., said that village-based strengthening is the nation's savior from deep-rooted conflict, one of which is is maintaining local wisdom or local wisdom. "We only want to pass on things that are constructive, maintaining and developing village potential is one of them, so that Indonesia can progress and be strong," he said.
Head of Pesanggrahan Village , Muhammad Afif, S.Sos., said that digitalization is one of the problems in his village. "I hope that the 15 youth of my village in particular and all the participants in general can take part in the event optimally and be able to apply it to their village to become more digitally literate," he hoped.
Bastian, SDGs staff at Watu Tulis village, Sidoarjo, said that this activity is important and positive for the village community, considering that the digital era is increasingly rapid. He hopes that this activity will continue to other villages so that it can prevent hoaxes and other digital crimes.
"Moreover, this is before the election, of course there will be a lot of information that needs to be sorted out. We won't know what is wrong and right if we don't have good literacy skills. That's why we are very happy to be able to take part in this activity ," he concluded. [*]
Reporter: Lukman Hadi Wibowo
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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