unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Graduating your doctoral degree quickly is not easy. Especially for those who have to divide their study time with certain professional duties and responsibilities. However, Deny Heryanto was able to achieve a doctorate in two and a half years in S-3 Educational Management, Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (Unesa).
The man born in Denpasar graduated with an almost perfect GPA of 3.98. As her dissertation, she carried the title "Leadership of Female School Principals in the Implementation of Character Education: A Multi-Case Study of Diversity in Kindergartens in Malang Raya".
Apart from that, in a fairly short time, around two months before the closed exam took place on In October 2023, he succeeded in publishing two articles simultaneously in international journals indexed by Scopus. This is what made him graduate in the fifth semester without having to go through an open exam.
Deny's journey in obtaining a doctorate began in 2020. He met Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., who at that time was Deputy Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation at Unesa during a friendly football match at Gawanan Colomadu Field, Solo.
After the match, Deny saw Prof. Sujarwanto busy correcting the proposal from one of his students. Out of curiosity, Deny approached and started chatting about the world of campus.
After that chat, Deny was interested in continuing his doctoral studies. At that time, his wish could not be fulfilled, because he was still busy with his various duties at the police. A year later, the man with the rank of Senior Commissioner of Police (Kombes Pol) registered for a doctoral program.
At the start of his studies in 2021, the 47-year-old man admitted that he had a little difficulty with a fairly busy schedule in the first and second semesters. where he has to adapt to the creation of articles, assignments and other presentations. This condition coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic which was still spreading.
Thanks to his perseverance and consistency, the 1999 Police Academy graduate managed to complete his doctoral education in a short time. “I had time to reduce my activities outside of my main duties at work so I could focus on studying. Apart from that, at important meetings I attend online for lectures," said Deny.
Now that he has graduated with satisfactory achievements, the man with three jasmines on his shoulders is committed to implementing the knowledge he has gained well. in the police and outside the police.
“My motivation for continuing my doctoral studies is so that I can be a good example for my children. "In fact, if possible, they have to have a higher level of education than me," said the middle-ranking officer who received the mandate as Auditor of Itwil IV of the National Police's General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum).[]
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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