Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—One of the demands of the Meeting, Invention, Convention, and Exhibition (MICE) course of the Communication Sciences (Ikom), Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH) that students must complete at the end of the semester is to organize activity. For this reason, Ikom students held a Jatiwara Festival entitled "Exploring Cultural Heritage" at the Surabaya Youth Center on Saturday, December 16 2023.
In this event, Ikom students collaborated with the Provincial Indonesian Community Sports Committee (KORMI). East Java and the Indonesian Traditional Sports Association (PORTINA) East Java Province.
Jatiwara Festival presents various competitions and traditional game activities. There is kstaria dolanan which is a traditional hadang game competition for elementary school levels throughout Surabaya.
There is also a dolanan corner in the form of an interactive exhibition containing various kinds of typical Indonesian games, such as long terompah, dakon, stilt batok, and many more . There are also MSME bazaar stands around the event location.
The Jatiwara Festival aims to foster people's love and appreciation for traditional Indonesian arts. Apart from that, it introduced various traditional Indonesian games to Surabaya students.
This activity was opened with a ribbon cutting by Ir. Biasworo Adisuyanto Aka, MM as deputy chairman I Portina East Java and Heru. OK. Info. S.H., M.H as the East Java KORMI Cultural Creation Traditional Sports Commission.
Meanwhile UNESA was attended by lecturers, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, S.Sos., M.Med.Kom and Vinda Maya Setianingrum, S.Sos ., M.A. This activity was also attended by the Head of Management who performed the Remo dance as the opening act.

Auliya Fillah as general manager of the Jatiwara Festival said that amidst the onslaught of technology and modern games, the existence of traditional games is slowly disappearing from the world of children and students.
“Traditional games are not only about the world of children or teenagers, but are also related to the nation's cultural riches which have various values in them. "That's what we want to pass on to the participants," he said.
In her speech, the lecturer, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi, stated that the Jatiwara Festival activities could be a bridge to revive ancestral culture. "Let's revive the ancestral culture and noble values of the Indonesian nation," he concluded.
This traditional games competition was attended by teams coming from various elementary schools throughout Surabaya. They were present complete with their respective supporters. The sound of support boomed at the location, even heard from outside the stadium.
At Kstaria Dolanan was held in four rounds, participated by 24 teams. 1st place was won by Mulyorejo Club Traditional (MCT) team A. 2nd place was won by the SDN Sidotopo Wetan 5 team. 3rd place was won by SDN Pegirian II and 1st place was won by SDN Hang Tuah I Surabaya. Meanwhile, the best supporter was won by MCT team A. The highlight of the event was closed with a theater performance from Theater Q which presented the Malin Kundang folk tale.[]
Photo : Jatiwara team photo documentation
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