Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Communication Studies Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law UNESA held Video Editing Training for Elementary School (SD) Teachers in Surabaya City on Monday (05/06/2021). The event, which was held virtually, was attended by 50 elementary school teachers spread across 31 sub-districts throughout the city of Surabaya. Participants who attended were representatives from each school.
The training, which is a community service program (PKM) aims to improve the ability of elementary school teachers in the field of educational communication technology, especially in utilizing, editing and designing videos for online learning needs during the pandemic.
The procession of activities is designed in two sessions. First, participants received material on 'Video as a Learning Media' which was delivered by the Head of Communication Studies Study Program and UNESA Educational Communications Expert, Dr. Danang Tandyonomanu, M.Sc. Then the material 'Script Writing and Storyboard' which was delivered by Tsuroyya, S.S., M.A, UNESA Communication Science lecturer. To equip teachers with an understanding of video editing competitions, there is also material on 'Virtual Competition Trends' delivered by Dr. Anam Miftakhul Huda, S.Kom., M.Ikom, lecturer in Communication Studies at UNESA.
In the second session, participants received technical training in video editing which was delivered by Nadya Yudo Wiranti, S.Ikom, one of the technical and creative teams of UPT Humas UNESA. In that session, teachers were provided with easy ways to edit videos by using applications on smartphones, such as the Inshot, Capcut, and Canva applications.
Dr. M. Turhan Yani, M.A, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FISH UNESA in his remarks said that the training was in accordance with the needs of teachers in the field. According to him, the challenge for teachers today is to deal with conditions where students are prone to boredom and boredom which has an impact on motivation, learning processes and outcomes. Therefore, teachers are required to be active, creative and innovative, one of which is making, editing, and utilizing videos for learning needs. "Moreover, elementary school children are happy with the attractive video display and it is good as a learning tool and also quickly understood by children," he said.
The output of the training, he continued, the participants made videos with special themes, (1) Public Health Education to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Schools, Communities, and Families, (2) Maximizing the Use of ICT Learning in (transforming) Classrooms and ICT Content for Education. The first best video will get a prize of IDR 1 million, the second best will get IDR 750 thousand and the third will get a prize of IDR 500 thousand.
The follow-up to the competition is that the 10 participants with the best videos will be given special assistance to participate in the Southeast Asian video competition in the 2021 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award. as a way to make achievements," he said.
Meanwhile, Danang Tandyonomanu said that one of the online learning media innovations that teachers can use and develop is video. According to him, video has several advantages. Can present all media functions ranging from conveying information, educating, as well as entertainment and combining all media elements, both audio and visual.
In addition, learning videos can also make it easier for teachers to teach and make it easier for students to learn, provide more real experiences to students, attract greater student attention, activate all of the students' senses, and attract more students' attention and interest in learning. "Through videos, we can convey information, demonstrations, procedural materials such as the steps in tutorials, and can be used for affective learning," he explained.
For online learning needs, added Danang, at least teachers have three levels of ability. First, the ability to use videos spread on the internet for learning needs. Second, the ability to modify existing videos for learning needs. Third, the ability to design their own videos for learning needs and purposes. "After this training, at least teachers have the skills to edit videos by using applications on mobile phones to improve the quality of online learning," he hoped.
One of the training participants, Agusta Pambayun Saputra, said that the video editing training was very useful. Because learning using videos is very fun for students and can be used as an innovative step in maximizing online learning during the pandemic. "Only that, learning through video consumes internet quota and can be a burden for students," explained the teacher at SDN Lontar II Surabaya. (Unesa Public Relations)
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