The 76th graduation this time will be lively. How not. Unesa Alumni who are members of IKA Unesa will distribute stickers with the sound "Ojo Lali Rek Almamater and Unesa Campus" The yellow and black sticker underneath is the IKA Unesa website address. "To mark the 76th graduation of Unesa IKA Unesa rolled the Almamater Love Movement by distributing stickers to the graduates" said Samsul Hadi administrator of the Unesa IKA website. Then in front of the graduation building Public Relations Unesa supported the exhibition the distribution of graduation journals and the Radar Surabaya newspaper which contained the graduation news. " Graduation journals become a mandatory part of every graduation " said Suyatno head of Public Relations Unesa. The journal contained the chancellors comments on graduation motivational words and the story behind the number one ranking in his faculty. " The journal provides information directly to parents who accompany their children " he added.
The 76th Graduation will be held on Saturday 9 March 2013 at GOR BIMA Unesa Lidah Wetan Campus Surabaya with the theme "Unesa Graduates Are Ready to Strengthen Innovative Education and Build Scientific Utilization." With a total of 1515 graduates this graduation event was divided into 2 (two) morning and afternoon sessions. (yy / syt)