Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - Eid moments are still felt in the implementation of Halal Bihalal held at the Faculty of Language and Art. The faculty ranks lecturers staff and post staff mingle in togetherness to establish friendship. The event which was held in front of the faculty became a venue for mutual forgiveness of others for melting errors that had been etched (12/06).
This simple packaged event also served as a momentum to introduce themselves to new officials at the Language and Arts Faculty. "We as the dean and deputy new dean would like to thank all the invited guests who have attended at the same time we also introduce ourselves as new officials in FBS do not reduce our respect we also ask for your blessing to be able to carry out this mandate properly for the progress of FBS in particular and Unesa in general and hopefully with the holding of this event the cordial relationship that has been established has become stronger and strengthened harmony among each other & rdquo; Said the Dean of FBS Dr. Trisakti M.Sc.
Before the religious lecture began this event was also interspersed with the submission of compassion to FBS retirement as a form of appreciation for his dedication to the progress of the department and faculty.
Kali This as a religious preacher is Ustadz H. Ahmad Fathi SH. who discusses the importance of friendship and forgiveness that needs to be maintained for others. Ahmad Fathi asserted that in Halal Bihalal can warm relations that had been frozen so that it was liquid in the fabric of friendship.
Besides being filled with religious lectures the event was closed with greetings and door prize distribution to the invited guests. (why)
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