Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Imperata, purslane and wheatgrass are viewed by some as weeds and weeds. However, in the hands of Prabu Panendya Firdaus Putra Aglar, these plants can be processed into drinks.
The drink that was successfully created by the fifth grade students of SD Labschool Unesa 2 Lidah Wetan was given the name ALOTGAN Tea. The term ALOTGAN itself is a combination of letters from the names of the basic ingredients used, namely reeds (AL), purslane (OT), and wheat grass (GAN).
Thanks to his innovation, the student who is familiarly called Prabu successfully passed the Prince and Environment selection 2021 for elementary students held by Tunas Hijau.
At first, Prabu and his accompanying teacher saw the school environment which was overgrown with reeds and purslane. These plants are often neglected and not used for anything useful. "So it is often cleaned and then thrown away. Out of curiosity, we tried to be thorough, and it turned out that the plant has many benefits, "said Prabu.
The results of the research he carried out with the accompanying teacher, the basic ingredients of ALOTGAN tea have many ingredients, such as antioxidants, antimicrobials, anti-inflammatory, high Omega 3. "It can lower cholesterol and balance blood sugar levels," he said.
In addition to utilizing these wild plants, Prabu also tried to plant reeds, purslane and gandung grass using the yard of the house and school.
To date, he has made more than 100 pcs of ALOTGAN teas for promotion and testing purposes. The promotions he has done are not only through social media, but several times also go directly to the community.
"Apart from promotion on social media, we have also conducted direct socialization to the public in Jetis Kulon as the winner of SSC 2020 (an adopted village). I also had the chance to socialize this product on the Surabaya Bus, "continued Prabu.
Prabu not only made tea processing, he also innovated by utilizing unused eggshells as organic fertilizer and used cooking oil as an ingredient for soap making.
Through the main ALOTGAN Tea project, Prabu hopes that his processed products will become one of the healthiest and nutritious drinks. He also hopes that what he does and produces through the election of the Prince and Princess of the Environment can have a good impact on the environment and society.
"Hopefully we can become environmental ambassadors and can invite friends and society in general to care about the surrounding environment, especially to make Labschool Unesa an Adiwiyata school," he hoped.
Head of BPS Labschool Unesa, Prof. Dr. Roesminingsih, M.Pd., appreciated and fully supported the creation and innovation of one of these students. A special socialization was even held which was attended by representatives of LPPM Unesa on Tuesday (4/5/2021).
In this socialization also attended the Head of the Center for Research and Strengthening Innovation, Prof. Dr. Sari Edi Cahyaningrum, M.Si., Head of Center for Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Product Certification, Prof. Dr. Tukiran, M.Sc., and all the principals of Unesa's Labschool School.
“This Labschool is under the auspices of Unesa. Unesa itself has LPPM which is a research institution that can be a companion and a place for consultation for children who have certain findings, creations or innovations, "said Roesminingsih.
"We are also trying to get our children's products or innovations to get patent rights, including Prabu's work which we will continue to encourage to be developed to a further stage and strive so that the products can get HAKI and patents," he continued.
Roesminingsih also said that this product could later become the advantage of Unesa and Labschool Unesa. He invited all Labschool principals under the auspices of Unesa to continue to innovate and encourage students to continue to produce works that are beneficial to society. "All forms of achievements and innovations for children and Unesa Labschool teachers can provide added value for Unesa in the framework of becoming PTN-BH," he concluded. (Suryo / zam)
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