The Faculty of Engineering held its 1st 2015 Open Judicial Meeting at the A1 Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering Friday (6/2/2015) ). The open meeting which was opened and led by the Dean of FT Tri Wahatnolo carried the theme Through Judicium the Faculty of Engineering Continues to Improve the Quality of Learning to Shape the Character of Students. In the 1st Judicum this time the agenda was divided into 2 sessions morning and afternoon. Morning for the Department of Informatics and Mechanical Engineering while the afternoon for Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering and PKK. Officially FT graduated 329 students; 170 S-1 students and 159 D-3 students. With details: 63 TE students 69 TM students 26 TS students 75 PKK students and 106 IT students. In his remarks by the Dean of FT Tri Wahatnolo gave messages and motivation to the judicial / judicial female judges in their career. According to him students must be competent by having competencies to compete in the world of work especially in the face of the coming Asean Economic Community (AEC). "In the MEA there are also many scholars / intermediaries out there who are looking for the same opportunities" said the dean who also serves as Vice Rector II. (Fitro / SR)