Not mistaken FT Unesa named Zainal Abiddin the culinary student as the best graduate of FT in the 76th Graduation . The man who was born in 1985 was truly successful in managing his time and activities which were indeed very crowded.
Before entering Unesa Zainal had worked in a hotel in Surabaya and in 2009 he continued his education at Unesa. When studying he was questioned in managing the time between work and college. However it is fortunate that he has colleagues and college who are very concerned about him. He works at night and in the morning he goes to college. His work is fairly easy and difficult because he has to work at 21.00--06.00 WIB and lectures in the morning starting at 07.00 WIB. When asked for resting hours male graduates with a GPA of 3.81 answer anywhere. Zainal also often sleeps in the campus hallway while waiting for the change of class hours. I once Mas slept in the aisles that got edges he said and then smiled.
Zainals Thesis Application of Interactive Multimedia to Improve Student Learning Outcomes in the Basic Competence of Making Indonesian Cakes from Cereals and Types of Flour is a media created for help the teacher in explaining to students. Zainal had the idea when he observed SMK 6 Surabaya. He was inspired by teacher complaints about the cost and time to make the media. Then Zainal Abidin put it in his thesis proposal and finally made himself the best FT graduate.
After earning a bachelors degree in education Zainal wants to continue his career in education and apply the results of his thesis to his students later. However he also wants a career in industry and entrepreneurship. I want to enter the world of education when I have a career Mas but as a graduate I also have to have three competencies namely bachelor can be professional in industry as an expert educator and also as a reliable entrepreneur. I want to feel all three he said firmly.
Zainal also wants Unesa to become a campus with an academic climate like in the Netherlands as Prof. wrote. Dr. Muchlas Samani on the webpage on February 20. I read the article from the Chancellor I really wanted to feel our campus like that it was just cool everywhere we could study together. Therefore I want to go to college again and God willing I will continue to master s2 mas said Zainal hopeful. (Gilang / syt)
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