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Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; The Faculty of Economics (FE) Unesa followed up the cooperation agreement with Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) related to student mobility for 1 semester of study at FPTP UTHM. The follow-up was realized through a visit of UTHM students and lecturers to Unesa which was conducted for one week from 7 to 13 April 2019. The visit was also a form of realization of the joint publication and joint conference < / em>.
During the 7-day visit 25 students and 10 lecturers from the neighboring country were busy with various activities such as campus tour several agenda publication workshops between Unesa and UTHM lecturers entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship seminars exchanging knowledge with Ormawa company visits and traveling around the city of Surabaya. Not only that lecturers from UTHM were also given the opportunity to teach at one of the study programs at FE.
In the opening ceremony held on Monday (8/4) Dean of FE Dr. Anang Kistyanto S. Sos. M.Sc. expressed his gratitude because the UTHM in Johor Malaysia had received students from FE Unesa very well. & ldquo; Hopefully the UTHM will not be bored to accept our students again. Hopefully this cooperation does not stop here. We also want to collaborate with UTHM to improve our quality and competence & rdquo; Anang said.
According to him the cooperation that was being carried out could run in a balanced manner. One of them is cooperation in managing international journal publishing. & ldquo; Hopefully the Faculty of Economics can have international journals indexed globally & rdquo; he added.
In this moment of cooperation FE plans to open a double degree so students can get a double degree by studying for 2 years at FE and 2 years at UTHM. < / p>
Dr. Mohd Yamani Bin Yahya as Deputy Dean of Academic and International Affairs s UTHM also expressed his gratitude for being welcomed at Unesa. "Some programs have been prepared by us such as guest lectures join publishing campus tours of course we from UTHM are very grateful for this cooperation & rdquo; said Yamani. On the other hand Yamani also tried to continue this collaboration. (
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