Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences (FISH), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a thanksgiving to commemorate the inauguration of their new service unit. The event which took place in the Lobby of the i8 FISH Building, Ketintang Campus on Wednesday, October 25 2023 was attended by the leadership and lecturers of FISH.
The Dean of FISH, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd., explained that his party continues to provide the best service, especially for students and academics. Optimizing student services has transformed from conventional services to modern services.
“Previously, the service was still an ordinary counter where students had to queue outside in an uncomfortable waiting room. "Well, now we have improved it like the service at a bank, there is an air-conditioned waiting room and drinking facilities," he said.
With this new service unit, students and alumni who need wet signature services can take care of it directly by new place design. Apart from that, for those who handle digital administration, it can be done through the Service Digitalization Information System or Sidilan, https://sidilan.fish.unesa.ac .id/.
FISH is committed to providing the best service for students, academics and alumni when they want to take care of administrative and financial files, especially those that require legalization.
"So far we have served conventionally, so now we provide more excellent, better and more enjoyable service, so that any business can be done more quickly and hassle-free," said Bambang Sigit.
He added, since FISH passed the Kemendikbudristek's integrity zone assessment, his party has been trying to improve the quality of student services, because this is part of its commitment as an institution that has secured an integrity zone.
Dean FISH hopes that by providing services in one convenient place, students will be more comfortable. "Because the service provided by the officers has passed excellent service training, so they will provide good service and students will be satisfied," he said. []
Reporter: Rafa Afifa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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