Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–The International Affairs Unit of the Faculty of Economics and Business (UIA FEB) Unesa held a virtual public lecture on Friday (7/5/2021). The speaker who was presented on the occasion was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zulnaidi Yaacob, A.M from University Sains Malaysia (USM).
In the welcoming session, the Dean of FEB Unesa Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si said that the Faculty of Economics and Business Unesa has a vision to become a reputable faculty in Southeast Asia in the fields of Economics, Economics and Business Education by 2023.
He suggested that to become a reputable campus in Southeast Asia, several indicators must be met. Prodi at FEB Unesa must obtain international accreditation. Currently, there are already four study programs that are in the process of leading to this accreditation, Economics Education, Office Administration Education, Accounting Education, and Management. "We have submitted it to the international accreditation agency, AQAS. Meanwhile, the other four study programs are preparing SAR to be submitted to the international accreditation agency ACQUIN, "he said.
In addition, FEB Unesa must also be included in the QS Rank University by subject management and business. "These are shared dreams and ideals, academic reputation, employment reputation, paper and aspirations, the student ratio to international students is an instrument for ranking the QS World and the QS Asia University Rank," he explained.
He added that all the instruments have been compiled into the Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of the 2020-2024 FEB Unesa strategy and broken down as work programs in the faculties and study programs. Internationalization of faculties and study programs is an urgent matter and a priority now and in the future. "With strong determination, FEB Unesa is sure that we can achieve this vision together," he said.
The visiting professor program held by UIA FEB Unesa is part of the internationalization of FEB Unesa. The goal is to support and succeed in international accreditation, improve the academic reputation of FEB Unesa in Southeast Asia and the world and achieve Key Performance Indicators targeted by the Ministry of Education and Culture-Research and Technology. "Hopefully this activity can share smart, fresh and inspiring ideas to achieve a vision of reputation in Southeast Asia and the world," he hoped.
The event was continued with a public lecture with the topic "Outstanding Business Proporsal Turning Mission into Reality" delivered by Zulnaidi Yaacob. The speaker discussed several topics including the Chalengges of small business, high impact entrepreneurship, entrepreneur mindset, business entity, definition, purpose and main components of business proposals. In addition, it also describes generating and communicating business ideas, visualizing business ideas on the busines canvas, and criteria of great business ideas. (QQ / zam)
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