Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Bachelor of Indonesian Literature, Bachelor of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Master of Indonesian Language Education, Master of Language and Literature Education, and Master of Language and Literature Education , held a Public Lecture: Creative Writing in Language and Literature Learning at the T2 Auditorium, 3rd floor, FBS, Unesa Lidah Wetan, on Wednesday, November 22 2023.
This activity was attended by around 400 undergraduate and graduate students -2, even S-3 from various forces. Head of the activity organizer and Coordinator of the Master's Program in Language and Literature Education, Dr. Titik Indarti, M.Pd. explained that this public lecture was intended to revive students' field of study in creative writing courses and language and literature learning.
"With this activity, it is hoped that prospective educators will not only have abilities in language and literature education, but "also creativity in writing literature, for example poetry, novels and short stories," he added.
The Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D., said that the faculty really appreciates the commitment The study programs, both S-1, S-2 and S-3, have synergized and collaborated to organize this activity.
For him, this activity is very positive, especially if it doesn't just stop here, meaning the students able to apply and pass on the knowledge gained by forming writing communities or movements and can later be guided by lecturers so that they are able to produce extraordinary works.
"Moreover, this material has been presented by two great writers. "This activity can be the beginning of the growth of literacy and writing culture which will produce great works in this faculty," he said.
Professor of Literary Criticism, FBS, UNESA, Prof. Dr. Anas Ahmadi, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that this activity is a form of fulfilling the spiritual need for writing knowledge which is really needed by language and literature students, who are diligently studying this field.
“No We are responsible for inviting two sources, namely Acehnese writers and Ponorogo writers. This activity was also attended by campus exchange students from UNISMA so that this activity was not only participated by internally but also externally. "Thank you for your enthusiasm for participating in this spiritual breakfast activity," said Anas.
The materials presented in this public lecture were presented by two Indonesian writers. First, Arafat Nur, who is an Acehnese writer, received various awards such as the 2011 Kusala Sastra Khatulistiwa (Khatulistiwa Literary Award) and winner of the 2010 & 2016 Jakarta Arts Council Novel Competition.
Secondly, Dr. Sutejo, M. Hum., writer who won the East Java Fiction Reading Book Writing Competition Winner Award (2000), East Java Inspirational Figure of 2021 from Beritajatim.com, and the Arts Award from the Governor of East Java Province, in the field of Literature in 2022.< /p>
Arafat Nur, shares the story of his creative writing process which was full of twists and turns when he was a victim of conflict in Aceh. He was even arrested and wanted to be killed by groups who didn't like his work when it was published by Gramedia. From his extraordinary journey and creative process he was able to produce a series of great works that won many awards.
He did not write to become famous, nor did he know whether he had the talent to write or not, but he believed that everyone born had it. their writing skills are just whether they want to hone it or not. If you never read or write, your skills will not develop.
“The most important thing about being a writer is being a reader. That's why in Indonesia many people have difficulty writing because they don't read, so they read, read, read until they get bored before writing. "Only a handful in Indonesia read 50 books," he explained.
For him, the most important thing that must be improved by writers and educators is literacy itself. Because for him, if no one reads, no one will be able to write well.
“Writing accurately is simple but implementing it is very difficult. Whoever has the resilience is the one who survives. "I am sure that many people are capable of becoming great writers if they are willing to read a lot, start writing, and continue to hone their skills," he explained.
Dr. Sutejo, M.Hum, with the title "Creativity in Learning Indonesian Language and Literature" explains several steps to becoming a creative writer, including having a wild imagination, daring to experiment, reading a lot, and expanding relationships with writers. "The key to creative writing is N3 (Niteni, Nerokne, Nambahi)," he added.
Apart from presenting the topic of creative writing, he also explained the problems facing language and literature education today . "What makes learning complicated is the policy which states that literature must be based on Indonesian language learning, a dilapidated bureaucratic system, and educators who are less competent in the field of literature," he said.
Sutejo explains how to sharpen your taste in writing poetry , including practicing vocals repeatedly, using connotative words, often playing with pairs of words, and increasing literary literacy. Sutejo also expressed his hopes after holding this event. He hopes that this activity can be used by students as a starting point for literacy awareness.
"The requirements for creative writing are firstly imagination, secondly being free and not bound, thirdly reading a lot, fourthly improving one's taste, and fifthly starting to write. "My message is, write before your name is written on the tombstone," he said.[]
Reporter: Aji Permadi/Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
< p>Editor: @zam Alasiah*Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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