Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -The Computer Laboratory and Image Studio in T-14 Building, Faculty of Language and Arts, UNESA looked deserted, calm and only the sound of the participants' laptop keyboard typing was heard on Saturday, July 23, 2022. As it turned out, the participants consisted of students of the Master's Degree study program. 1 Visual Communication Design (KDV) and D-4 Graphic Design are currently taking the Competency Test for the Young Graphic Designer Scheme for the Vocational Program and PSKK 2022.
The Competency Test was attended by 40 participants with each room filled with 20 participants. They are students who have registered and are verified who have never participated in a competency test activity with a similar scheme. The participants took two types of exams, namely theoretical or written exams for 60 minutes followed by practical or tools exams for 3 hours. Each room is supervised by one assessor consisting of Muh. Ariffudin I., S.Sn., M.Sn., and Tri Cahyo Kusumandyoko, S.Sn., M.Ds.
Gading Gamaputra, S.AP., MPA., as the PIC of the Vocational Competency Test said that this activity was to support the vocational program so that they were able to take the competency test. Also because of the demand that every design student, especially from the vocational program, have a competency test certificate.

In Indonesia, those who are entitled to conduct a competency test will receive a certificate from the BNSP RI. So that in order to fulfill market activities or work, students already have a BNSP certificate from the Competency Test which can be recognized scientifically and in terms of expertise.
Moh. Ariffudin I., S.Sn., M.Sn, revealed that this competency test has several schemes starting from the Young Graphic Designer, Lead Computer Operator, Mechanical Design, Kitchen Head, and Assistant Designer scheme for Vocational and for PSKK Schemes that there are among others; Lead Computer Operator, Young Graphic Designer, Wastewater Treatment, Community Empowerment Facilitator, Young Computer Network Technician, Junior Web Programmer, Expert Accounting Technician, Operational Marketer, Assistant Designer and Makeup Artist Sunda Putri.
"Our future efforts are to create new schemes related to graphic design or related fields, so that students have more choices because each student has their own preferences," he said.
One of the examinees, Rinto from the D4 Graphic Design study program, said that this exam was neither too difficult nor easy. "In my opinion, the test is in accordance with the material provided, it will be good, maybe in the future it will be more prepared," he said.
Meanwhile, according to Ajeng Trisnawati from S-1 DKV, this exam is quite challenging, especially in terms of limited time but still fun. He admitted that he was very lucky to be able to take this competency test because the certificate was very useful in the future. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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