Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Faculty of Language and Arts UNESA in collaboration with Confucius Institutes held the Confucius Institutes Webinar: Mandarin as a Global Language in the Industrial World on Thursday, October 21, 2021.
In his remarks, Catur Suprianto, M.kes., P.hD., Head of the UNESA Mandarin Language Center said that the purpose of holding this webinar was to bring academics, practitioners and observers of the Chinese language to discuss various experiences to develop creative, innovative human resources. and global perspective.
“Mandarin as a Global Language in the Industrial World” which was carried out in the event was related to the Confucius Institutes mission to support the economy and its important function to provide measurable plans and structures for quality and responsive and global-minded Chinese language education.
Dr. Xiao Renfei as Director of the UNESA Mandarin Language Center said that the theme raised in this webinar was the right choice and according to recent demands. "This is a great first step in starting Mandarin classes," he said.
Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, revealed that education is one of the efforts to catch up and also plays a role in the advancement of mindset. With education, people can communicate without limits, especially being able to master foreign languages. Foreign languages are the key in mastering various things that people need, especially good at communication. Especially in the industrial world, foreign languages are needed, one of which is Mandarin.
The webinar moderated by Fitria Indah was attended by three presenters; Yaya Sutarya, M.Pd., Attaché for Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, Prof. Dr (H.C) Dahlan Iskan and Akir Saputra, S.T as entrepreneur owners of Angkasa Group. In the first speaker, Yayan Sutaryan discussed the use of Indonesia-China education cooperation. He explained that Indonesia's bilateral relationship with China is a comprehensive strategic partnership.
This means that cooperation is not only carried out from a trade perspective. However, also all parts, including education and culture. Yayan also discussed various potentials in industry, education, digital and other fields between the two countries. Within a period of 5 years, (2020-2024) China will provide 3,000 scholarships to Indonesia for both undergraduate, postgraduate and postgraduate levels. Corporate CSR program, vocational education for 500 people, and 23 skill packages. It can be said that China has become a partnership for Indonesia from various lines, from industry to education.
Prof. Dr. (H.C) Dahlan Iskan as Minister of State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia for the period 2011-2014 discussed the relationship between language and the economy. It should be understood that language becomes important thanks to the economy. "Because the economic opportunity is more open if you can speak Mandarin," he explained. Thus, economic power does determine the spread of language and it will continue to happen. "When will Mandarin be global, it depends on the next progress of the Chinese economy," he added.
Akir Saputra in this webinar discussed his experience as an entrepreneur and how he was able to be in his current position. And finally, the explanation from the speaker from Catur Supriyanto related to tips for getting a scholarship to the country of the bamboo curtain. He revealed that applications for the scholarship program from CSC were opened from January to early April.
CSC itself is a scholarship for international students through the China Scholarship Council. From the scholarships offered, it is hoped that students and lecturers and teachers of Mandarin in Indonesia will continue to be motivated to learn Mandarin as a global language in the industrial world in the future. (Hasna/zam*)
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