Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The realization of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) for the Bachelor of Education Management (MP) study program, Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) was monitored and evaluated (monev) by the team. Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in Meeting Room 801, Rectorate, UNESA, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Tuesday, 17 October 2023.
Monev carried out by a team consisting of Prof. Dr. Junaedi Muhidong M.Sc, and Antonius Indarto, S.T, M.Eng., Ph.D., it is intended to review the realization of PKKM in the study program so that it is in line with the program's hopes and objectives.
Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si, Deputy Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs at UNESA said, PKKM is increasingly progressing and is in line with shared expectations. "With this monitoring and evaluation, hopefully the PKKM, the first MBKM program implemented by UNESA, will get better and experience development," he said.
The FMIPA professor added, on October 15 2023, UNESA's Bachelor of Education Management study program received PKKM 2023 grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The concept promoted is 'Digital Citizen Passageway (Dicipass) Concept for Accelerating UNESA's Global Experiential Learning Transformation.
There are 2 main programs established, 1) extensification of student mobility through the DICIPAS concept for MBKM activities; and, 2) diversification of lecturer mobility through the DICIPASS concept.
Syunu Trihantoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd., Coordinator of the Bachelor of Education Management Study Program expressed the enthusiasm of students participating in the new program. With this, many MP students from the class of 2020 and 2021 are learning and strengthening their experiences outside campus.
Among them are undergoing a Research Internship program. Some went to Gorontalo, Padang, Mataram and Jakarta. "Our students are spread across various regions to remote corners of the archipelago, as many as 176 students, both PKKM outside the island and not," he explained.
Apart from that, the evaluation also includes a progress report on ISS-MBKM with 2 program activities which include UNESA Students and Lectures Mobility and UNESA Academic Quality Insurance-MBKM with target partners from Singapore International School/SIS Jakarta, SIS Medan, Sekolah Cikal Jakarta, and Sekolah Cikal Surabaya with a total of 43 students.
Next, the excellent program internship targeting partners Seamolec, BRIN, PT Samator, and East Java Diskominfo which was attended by 30 students.
On that occasion, there was a session where students met online with the monitoring and development team. Students received motivation from the monitoring and evaluation team.
Faisol, one of the EKM2D (Village Development Student Competition Exhibition) students who took part in the PKKM admitted that he was proud and extraordinary about participating in this program. The reason is, apart from being able to be directly involved in education in remote areas of the country, he can also study the culture in North Lombok.
Dr. M. Jacky, S.Sos., M.Si, as Head of Sub-Directorate for Independent Learning at UNESA Campus (MBKM) hopes that the monitoring and evaluation can be a reference to continue to develop and become even better in the future. "With this monitoring and evaluation event from this center we hope to find out what obstacles are found and find solutions together," he said.[]
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Reporter Team: Mochammad Ja'far/Fadina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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