Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—It is important to teach financial literacy from an early age. This was emphasized by Prof. Dr. Susanti, S.Pd., M.Si., professor in the field of Economic and Financial Education when inaugurated at the Auditorium, Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya, Wednesday 20 September 2023.
According to him, consumptive behavior, shopping Excessive behavior beyond the needs of young people and even today's society is the effect of a lack of financial literacy. This is also what causes many people to get into financial problems.
He revealed that the results of the 2022 National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) showed that the financial literacy index of Indonesian society had increased by 49.68% compared to 2019.< /p>
Even though it is increasing, the level of financial literacy is still relatively low, because for every 100 people there are only around 49.68 people who have a good understanding of financial literacy.
To encourage increased financial literacy, Prof. Susanti emphasized the importance of providing financial literacy education to children, even from an early age. Remember, financial problems are not only a matter of understanding, but also behavior and require habituation.
This education can be carried out in three environments, namely family, school and community. Especially in the family environment, ways to teach financial literacy can be done such as regulating the amount of pocket money for children, teaching children to save, teaching children to give alms and doing good deeds, inviting children to make a simple budget, and inviting children to shop.
"Often It was found that interaction between children and parents was very minimal due to their parents' busy lives. "The way to overcome this problem is that children can be invited to chat about their finances when they gather together, whether in the afternoon or evening, regarding the pocket money they are given," he explained.
Even though we often find teenagers who have just enough pocket money, with Teenagers' financial literacy can better manage their finances for the future by setting aside any amount of money, even if it is small.
Parents can also collaborate with school institutions and school committees on the importance of children's financial literacy. Parents also need to give children opportunities and participate in family financial activities.
This can be done in routine family activities such as paying bills and other activities. In learning economics and finance, teachers and lecturers are expected to be able to conceptually understand economic concepts to their students.
"Following economic developments from various media available in financial institutions is also important, especially with joint financial literacy campaigns to increase financial knowledge for society, especially young children," he concluded. [*]
Reporter Team: Muhammad Dian Purnama/Lukman Hadi Wibowo
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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