Unesa .ac.id Surabaya - A total of 32 teams participating in debates and scientific papers at the high school / MA / SMK level in Java and Bali were held on Saturday (28/04) in the Hall of the FISH Unesa Dean Building. The event was part of the 2019 3rd Unesa Law Fair to commemorate the 10th Legal Lustrum.
FISH Dean Dr. Totok Suyanto M.Pd. revealed that this activity was an effort to introduce Unesa to the wider community by holding a campus competition event. With this activity in addition to introducing Unesa it also provides education related to the basics of law as well as training the ability to think critically logically and respect the views of others.
Raising the theme Quid Leges Sine Moribus: What Good Are Law Without Moral Totok added that this theme was deliberately raised as a reminder that the highest source of law is moral. If the law is without morals the applicable law is only rules without partiality values and without spirit and without soul.
During the competition the nuances of competition have been shown by each team. Strong arguments and ideas make the jury difficult to determine the champion. But a team that is firm and guided by the theme in providing arguments is the winner. For this reason the winner of the scientific writing competition was won by SMAN 5 Denpasar who won 1st place 2nd place was won by SMAN 2 Saraswati Denpasar best paper was won by SMAN 2 Ponorogo and best presenter won by SMAK St. Albertus Malang. Meanwhile for the first prize debate competition won by SMAK St. Hendrikus Surabaya second place winner of SMAK St. Louis 1 Surabaya and Michael Christian Historia became the best speaker champion.
According to Ali Masnun SH. MH. As the chief executive said that the purpose of this activity was to introduce the department of law to the general public. As well as providing motivation to contestants so that they can get to know the law more widely one of them is by joining FISH Legal Studies. (SH / why)
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