Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – 99 students of the Faculty of Sports Science participated in the 3rd period of graduation 2020 for the Undergraduate Program at the International Futsal Sports Hall on Wednesday (11/11) via online. The group of students consists of 21 students from the Department of Sports Education, 42 students from the Department of Sports Coaching Education and 36 students from the Department of Health and Recreation Education. Even though it was carried out online, it did not decrease the enthusiasm of the participants to take part in the event.
With the theme "Building a Network of Graduates in the New Life Adaptation Era", Faculty of Sports Science graduates are ready to contribute to society with the knowledge they have achieved during their education. Deputy Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, Abdul Hafidz, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that this achievement was the beginning of the process of reaching the future. The main thing is how they carry out their role in contributing to society.
"This is only a beginning. We have a long way to go. We are still going to be someone who is eager to learn more knowledge, and be a productive and innovative graduates in all fields," said Abdul.
Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science, Dr. Setiyo Hartoto, M.Kes., stated that th faculty will continue to produce alumni who are ready to face competition in education and other fields. Setiyo reminded that the competition in the future would be very tight. Therefore, the graduates must be prepared in all fields.
"I hope the graduates have high enthusiasm and confidence in facing this competition," said the Dean.
In the graduation ceremony, the best graduates were announced at the respective department level and at the faculty level. The best graduate of the Sports Coaching Education Department was Wika Asnunik with the GPA of 3.81, the best graduate of the Sports and Recreation Science Department was achieved by Bening Raga Pangestu with the GPA of 3.74 and the graduate of the Physical Education, Health and Recreation Department was won by Adelina Dhinik Puspitasari with the GPA of 3,74. While the best graduate at the faculty level was Wika Astutik. (why).
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