Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – A total of 32 candidates for contract labor at the State University of Surabaya have successfully passed the psychological test,
conducted skills tests and interviews on Thursday (8/10/2020) on 11th floor of the Unesa Rectorate Building. The 32 participants were divided into two fields, namely 7 programmers and 25 IT admins.
I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana, S.Kom, M.Kom said, in this skills test there were two question models given to the participants according to their fields. They are given one hour to be able to solve the questions that have been prepared by the committee.
The participants who have completed the skills test, said Eka, will immediately conduct an interview test with eight interviewers. The seven interviewers came from the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance from each faculty at Unesa, and one interviewer came from the Unesa graduate.
Eka further said that the quota needed by Unesa was 6 programmers and 15 IT admins. However, this quota does not have to be met. Unesa's priority is to meet the standards set by the team.
"What we prioritize is soft skills and personality and loyalty. After becoming Unesa employees, they are expected to forge their individual character. The problem of knowledge and skills can be trained, but soft skills and personality are what will make the person develop or not, "he added.
With the slogan Together and Can Work Together, Eka hopes that the employees accepted are the best according to the criteria set by the team. In addition, they are expected to have loyalty, integrity and be able to motivate themselves to continue learning and developing themselves. (hasna/sir)
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