On Saturday and Sunday (11-12 / 10/2014) upcoming Surabaya State University (Surabaya) Unesa) will hold the 81st graduation ceremony. This is in accordance with the Rectors Decree No.296 / UN38 / HK / 2014; September 15 2014. In addition to the graduation ceremony the decree also mentioned the list of 12 best graduate students from several study programs (study programs) in Unesa. The students come from different levels and grades. In 2010 there were 10 students consisting of one (three-level) doctoral level and nine people (one-year level). From 2011 there were 3 students who all consisted of D-3 levels. Meanwhile from the class of 2012 there was only one student namely S-2 Science Education. Of the 12 best graduate students in the 18th graduation there is one student with the highest grade point average (IP) which is 3.93. The details of the 12 students are (1) Dr. Syamsudin M.Pd. (S-3 Language and Literature Education) GPA 3.67. (2) Marceline Prophylia M.Pd. (S-2 Science Education) GPA of 3.91. (3) Erni Susiyawati S.Pd. (S-1 Education Management) GPA 3.85. (4) Mir atie Nurul Maulida S.Pd. (S-1 German Language Education) The GPA is 3.93. (5) Eka Prastiyanto S.Pd. (S-1 Science Education) GPA of 3.70. (6) Awam Roisa S.Pd. (S1 Historical Education) His GPA is 3.54. (7) Sita Andrianti S.Pd. (Bachelor Degree in Fashion Education) GPA 3.69. (8) Erwan Nur Arinda S.Or. (Bachelor in Sport Science) 3.60 GPA. (9) Nur Fauziah S.Pd. (S-1 Economic Education) The GPA is 3.76. (10) Widagdo Atigorawa A.Md. (D-3 Graphic Design) GPA of 3.64. (11) Siti Anifatul Jumaroh A.Md. (D-3 Dressing) GPA of 3.75. (12) Yuni Irawati A.Md. (D-3 Accounting) The GPA is 3.52. In addition the Rectors Decree also mentioned the theme to be used at the 81st graduation. Previously Head of Public Relations Unesa Dr. Suyatno M.Pd. proposed three different themes but those approved by the Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Warsono M.S. is Unesas 81st Graduation Ready to Develop Mental Revolution Based Education for the Glory of Indonesia. (Syaiful / Byu)
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