unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Registration of Computer Based Written Examination (UTBK) The national selection path based on achievement (SNBT) is open until March 27, 2025. That is, the registration period is only 10 days away. For this reason, the Head of Sub Directorate of Admission and Graduation of Unesa Students, Sukarmin appealed to participants to register as soon as possible.
"You should immediately register now, in order to have time to complete the file or lack of data for example. If the list will be tight closure, it is feared that there will be network constraints or something like that, "Sukarmin said.
He added, in registering, there are several things or stages that must be considered as follows;
First, participants log in to the account and complete the biodata in the SNBT-UTBK account. Basically, participant data already exists, but it needs to be completed like parents' income data for example.
Second, choosing a study program (study program) where lecture. For those who want to study at Unesa, there are 110 study programs to be chosen. All of these study programs have good career prospects in the business and industry.
Third, participants who choose the Sports Study Program and Art, must complete the portfolio. Try the portfolio in accordance with the selected study program, because it includes accompanying documents that can affect graduation.
"For participants who have not been lucky in the SNBP path, the portfolio used for SNBP yesterday can be used again to list the UTBK-SNBT path, as long as the program is the same or the portfolio according to the selected study program," explained Sukarmin.
Fourth, choosing the UTBK center as a test place that is close and easily accessible to participants, one of which is at Unesa. The test spot does not determine the participants' graduation, because the standard and mechanism are the same.
For participants from West Java or from outside the island, for example choosing a study program at Unesa does not have to choose the test location at Unesa, but can choose the closest test location in the area. Conversely, participants from Surabaya who chose campus study programs in Jakarta can choose test places at Unesa.
Fifth, make a payment of the UTBK-SNBT test and after that printing the test participant card which will be taken during the exam.
The Lecturer of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) emphasized that SNBT implemented a graduation system based on the participant test scores obtained from the results of the computer -based written examination (UTBK).
"So, this SNBT does not know whether yesterday was a participant eligible or not, achievers or class champions or not, from public or private schools, did not know that. However, the test scores that determine graduation. So, SNBT provides the same treatment and opportunities to all participants, "he said.
For more information about study programs in Unesa, and SNBT 2025 registration guidelines can be checked through long or channels as follows:
- Information on Study Program, Quota, Competition at UNESA can be checked on the page Admisi UNESA (KLIK).
- SNBT 2025 registration guide, one of which can be listened to the channel
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