Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK), Surabaya State University (UNESA) launched a Smoke-Free Area and a Clean, Orderly and Safe Environment in the FIKK U1 Building Lobby Lidah Wetan Campus on Wednesday, November 15 2023.
On this occasion the Dean of FIKK, Dr. Dwi Cahyo Kartiko S.Pd., M.Kes., explained that this program was an implementation of the direction of the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., during the SPORTIF event (about active aspiration chat) which was held some time ago. It discusses that FIKK must become a Smoke-Free Zone (KBR) so that the surrounding environment can be clean, comfortable and free from cigarette smoke.
This is in line with FIKK which in its lecture practice focuses on sports and health.< /p>
"If the environment is without cigarette smoke, everything will be clean. The air will also be fresher," he said.
To support the running of this program, he continued, FIKK will create a task force (task force) to KBR can operate as expected. This task force will be given the task of supervising, warning and providing assistance to students and lecturers who want to quit smoking.
"We will continue to try to make changes in a better direction even though there are obstacles in implementation," he said.< /p>
He also emphasized to students that when they find lecturers or other staff smoking, not to be afraid to reprimand them or, if necessary, report it directly to the task force. Because this is a form of support in realizing a smoke-free area.
The Chairman of the FIKK Executive Board (BEM) who was also present at the event, Adji Ridwan Mas, fully supports this program. According to him, as FIKK students you must live a healthy lifestyle in accordance with its slogan, namely rational, energetic, creative and competitive. And this program can also help government programs to extend the lives of Indonesian people. (*)
Reporter : Farhan Bachtiar
Editor : Rachmaddani Rizki Saputra
Photo : Public Relations Documentation Team
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