Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) held the second phase of socialization regarding Science Direct Scopus Elsevier with Dr. Johan Jang, Customer Consultant at Elsevier South Asia on the 4th Floor of Building Y Unesa Central Library Campus II Lidah Wetan, on Thursday, December 7 2023.
Drs. Suroto, M.A., Ph.D., as Head of the UNESA Library UPT, said that this socialization aims to introduce that Unesa has subscribed both through the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and also subscribed itself.
Currently, Unesa already has two packages, namely Science Direct and Scopus. UNESA, he continued, is trying to take one more step forward. Not only do you feel a sense of belonging, but you will also enter the stage of choosing the right journal and avoiding predatory publications.
"My hope is that this is one more step forward, not only does we have a cool journal but we can use it for UNESA as well. "step forward," he said.
Johan Jang explained that Science Direct is a website where users can find journals and books. Meanwhile, Scopus is a hybrid between database and analytics.
UNESA members can download various journals or books because they have subscribed. "You're free, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to search, you can read the article online first, or if you want to download it first, then read it later, please," he said.
This socialization also discusses how to choose journals and avoid predatory publications. Johan Jang explained that currently what is happening is that in the world of academic publishing, there is one problem, namely Unethical practices.
There are several things that need to be considered in the world of academic publishing. the first is the phenomenon of 'Fake or Cloned Journals'. This is a practice where certain parties clone the original journal.
Usually, the journals that are targeted are journals that have been indexed by Scopus for a long time and have a less modern appearance. These parties then cloned the journal website and gave it a more modern appearance, making it attractive to researchers.
Apart from that, there is also the phenomenon of 'Predatory Journals'. These journals have one goal, namely money and profit. For them, scientific articles are just commodities. They don't care about the quality of the article, the important thing is to submit it and within a few days the researcher's article will be published immediately without any review process first.
These two phenomena are very detrimental to researchers and the world of science in general. Therefore, it is important for researchers to always be careful in choosing a journal to publish their research results.
Always ensure that the journal is credible and does not fall into the categories of 'Fake or Cloned Journals' and 'Predatory Journals'. It is hoped that this socialization will help Unesa to better utilize Science Direct and Scopus and prevent predatory publications.[]
Reporter: Sindy Riska< /p>
Photographer: PR Team
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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