Focus group discussion or FGD UNESA with Untan regarding the transformation into PTN-BH.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA— Surabaya State University (UNESA) received a visit from Tanjungpura University (Untan) Pontianak, West Kalimantan to discuss the transformation of state universities as legal entities or PTN-BH in the Meeting Room, Rectorate, Campus II Lidah Wetan, on Wednesday, 20 November 2024.
Untan Deputy Chancellor II for Finance and General Affairs, Irfani Hendri, revealed that this visit was aimed at preparing himself to become a PTN-BH. In the focus of this discussion, important aspects are discussed, especially in the areas of planning, finance, human resources and remuneration.
“Transformation into a PTN-BH is a big challenge that requires improvement in various aspects. We studied with UNESA, which has recently undergone this transformation. "Especially related to asset management, financial governance, and human resource development," he said.
He also emphasized the importance of building HR systems and mindsets, both lecturers and educational staff (tendik). "The transformation of PTN-BH is not just an administrative issue, but also how to provide services that have a positive impact on society," he added.

Planning Director, Sugeng Harianto explained UNESA's strategy to become PTN-BH.
Director of Planning, Development and UNESA reporting, Sugeng Harianto sharing experiences related to the UNESA PTN-BH transformation process. He emphasized the leadership's strong commitment as the key to success. This commitment was realized by forming a special team tasked with preparing future designs, regulations, strategic plans (renstra), and self-evaluation.
Sugeng Harianto also said that UNESA is committed to becoming a superior university after transforming into PTN-BH , with the hashtag 'UNESA One Step Ahead' will continue to innovate and have a broad impact on society.
In the discussion session, he explained the process of preparing UNESA's Annual Work Plan and Budget (RKAT). The process began through development planning meetings (masrembang) which involved all work units.
“The Chancellor conveyed the strategy to be achieved in detail. RKAT must support the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) and the chancellor's strategic programs. "All budgets are directed to support this goal," he said.
Hariyati, Director of Finance and Assets at UNESA, explained that universities Legal entities have more freedom in managing the budget. This flexibility must be balanced with the ability of universities to create income independently through the assets they own.
Meanwhile, Mohamad Sulton Arifin, Director of Human Resources at UNESA, highlighted the importance of human resource development as one of the main pillars in the transformation of PTNs -BH. According to him, increasing the capacity and competency of human resources, both lecturers and educational staff, is the key to ensuring the sustainability of innovation and university competitiveness.
Hibowo and Nuri Susilawati from the UNESA Budget and Planning Sub-Directorate, also added that budget planning plays a role crucial in supporting the transformation of PTN-BH. Budget planning must be done carefully and based on data.
“Projections of income from each work unit are the main basis for preparing the RKAT. "In this way, each work unit not only acts as a budget user, but also as an income generator to support financial independence as a PTN-BH," said Nuri Susilawati.
This discussion is an important momentum for the two universities to share with each other. experience and insight. Untan hopes that UNESA's experience and strategies will be used as material to strengthen preparations to become a PTN-BH.[*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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