Unesa Deputy Prof. Dr. Endang Susantini poses for a photo with the UKSW Chancellor and representatives of the Co-Host Universities.
SURABAYA— Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Directorate of Innovation, Ranking and Scientific Publication (IPPI) took part in the Nusantara Harmony Degree at Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW) Salatiga on 25-27 June 2024. At this event an innovation exhibition was held which was attended by several universities in Indonesia.
UNESA played an active role as one of the Co-Hosts at the event together with Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University, Maranatha University, Parahyangan University, PGRI University Semarang, Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Bandung Business Polytechnic University and others.
SWCU Salatiga Chancellor Prof. Dr. Intiyas Utami, S.E., M.Sc., expressed his thanks and appreciation to UNESA as co-host of the event.
The first female UKSW Chancellor conveyed a message in her welcoming speech that universities should always collaborate and support each other so that they can jointly advance education in Indonesia.
On the occasion of the exhibition, representatives from UNESA Prof. Dr Endang Susantini as Head of Sub-Directorate for Learning Innovation Development and PUI had the opportunity to discuss with leaders and representatives of higher education institutions at the event.
UNESA Booth with a number of innovations and superior products.
Representatives These universities are committed to working together in advancing education in Indonesia and supporting each other in similar activities.
At this innovation event, UNESA showcased UNESA's ranking achievements and innovation products which were the result of research into the development of innovation products from the IPPI Directorate.
The products and innovations in question consist of the Eduasess learning application, Rhimola learning robot and Push Up Counter. Apart from that, Unesa also exhibited products from the Science and Technology Center of Excellence/PUI Sport and Exercise Research Center/SERC, namely sports performance wear and TAG US running shoes.
Meanwhile, the PUI Disability Innovation Center/DIC exhibited a signalong dictionary and virtual reality for the disabled, PUI Arts also displayed art learning media and art books.
There are many benefits from UNESA's participation At the UKSW Harmony of the Archipelago event, apart from establishing communication and collaboration with other universities, they also introduced research products and PUI Unesa products so that they would be known to the wider public.[]
Author: UNESA IPPI Directorate team
Photo: UNESA IPPI Directorate team
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