The UNESA team of disability experts explained various innovations in disability programs and services in a visitation session with the team from the DRTPM Directorate General of Higher Education and Technology on 25 July 2024.
Unesa., SURABAYA--After a visitation some time ago, the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology, Disability Innovation Center, Surabaya State University (PUI-PT DIC UNESA) received funding for the Research and Innovation Ecosystem Improvement Program for the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology from the Directorate General Diktiristek.
Regarding the acceptance of PUI-PT DIC, professor in the field of Inclusion at UNESA, Budiyanto said that this opportunity opens up opportunities for wider product-oriented research collaboration, both on a national and international scale.
Implementation of this program, he added, will improve and support education for children with special needs who are members of the Special Needs Children Service Unit (ULABK) in terms of infrastructure, services, adaptive technology and various other educational services.
"Apart from improving educational services, through this funding we are also committed to continuing research and expanding existing programs at ULABK," he said.According to Budiyanto, future challenges must be driven by this program , 1) increasing the competence and capability of DIC researchers on an international scale, 2) building a product-oriented inclusive disability research ecosystem to increase the dignity and honor of disabilities, and 3) increasing research collaboration partners and inclusive user partners.
In particular, the acceptance of DIC by DRTPM Diktiristek represents UNESA's existence as a tertiary institution that is committed to developing science and services in the field of disabilities to support an adaptive and inclusive transformation of higher education.
“Top We thank all parties involved for this trust. "As a team, we are committed to being able to carry out all related programs as well as possible and maintaining their sustainability so that DIC can continue to be an icon for product research in the national and international field of disability inclusion," he concluded.[]
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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