Five East Java PTN-BH carry out monitoring and evaluation of the Indonesian Collaborative Research (RKI) program.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) hosted monitoring and evaluation (monev) activities for the final report of the Indonesian Collaborative Research Program (RKI) PTN-BH East Java (JATIMPRO) in the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), UNESA Campus II Rectorate Tongue Wetan on Monday, 25 November 2024.
This monev was attended by five East Java PTN-BH consisting of UNESA, Airlangga University (Unair), Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Malang State University (UM), and Brawijaya University (UB).
The Head of LPPM UNESA, Muhammad Turhan Yani, delivered a report on the activities and progress of the Indonesian Collaborative Research carried out to all participants present; researchers from five PTN-BH, viewers, and the leadership of each university.

There are three subtopics that are the focus of research, namely energy, health and food.
He explained that this activity had through various processes: coordination, agreement on selecting research topics, selecting research proposals, progress reports, and finally monitoring.
"Regarding the progress report, it was carried out last September at ITS," said the professor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol) UNESA.
He hopes that this RKI will produce output in the form of publications in reputable journals such as Scopus level Q1 and Q2.
This activity was opened by the Deputy Chancellor I for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni, Madlazim, who emphasized the importance of collaborative research to strengthen the academic and innovation ecosystem of higher education.

Five universities are committed to ensuring that this RKI produces output in the form of publications in reputable journals and has an impact on innovation in higher education and society.
According to him, this collaboration must have an impact on developing real innovation for universities and society.
The professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) added that joint research must be of high quality and have an impact on the quality of publications and have a direct impact on society.
"In accordance with the evaluation of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mendikti Saintek), the work achievements that will be assessed will be the impact of research on society. "That's what we need to make happen," he said.
Meanwhile, the KRI has three main research topics that are the focus of discussion, including energy, health and food. UNESA has a section to research health topics with fitness subtopics.[*]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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