UNM research and application development team together with UNESA friends with disabilities in a trial session for the Inclusive Career application.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) became the test site for the 'Career Inclusion' application developed by the Makassar State University (UNM) research team, on Tuesday-Wednesday, 22-23 October 2024. The trial took place in the Directorate of Disabilities Room, Rectorate, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya involved UNESA's blind and deaf friends.
The research team and application developer, Farida Aryani, said that the 'Inclusive Career' was being tested on a number of campuses, one of which was UNESA. Inclusive Career is a work readiness and soft skills screening application to increase the career efficacy of students with disabilities.
This innovation is designed to help people with disabilities get opportunities and career paths that suit their unique potential and talents.
The name 'Inclusion Career' comes from two important concepts, namely "Career," which emphasizes the development of appropriate career paths, and "Inclusion," which reflects a commitment to equal opportunities for every individual.“ This application uses the Holland Career Theory (RIASEC) approach, a method that divides personality types and interests into six main categories: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, andconventional ," explained the UNM professor.
With this approach, ''Career Inclusion'' can help users understand their strengths and interests in depth, as well as provide career recommendations that are relevant and appropriate to their individual profile.< /p>
Career Inclusion is a forum that helps friends with disabilities identify their potential, interests and talents, develop their potential, and open up suitable career opportunities.
"Hal "This allows people with disabilities to explore various job opportunities that not only suit their abilities but also maximize their potential," he said.
With a series of trials that have been carried out, it is hoped that this platform can be perfected so that it can increasingly effective in opening up career opportunities, supporting the achievement of career goals, and helping people with disabilities find jobs that suit their aspirations and potential.
He hopes that various input from friends with disabilities at UNESA can strengthen the application and future research.
“Because this is still the first year, we hope to collaborate with UNESA friends. In the future, we plan to develop a Literacy Careers digital book for students with disabilities.” he added.
UNESA's deaf and speech friend, Tazkiya Nur Rahmah, said that the existence of this inclusive career application really helps friends with disabilities to determine their future careers.
"In my opinion, "This application is very useful and interesting because friends with disabilities can be helped by the facilities that have been created and the sign language is good so friends with disabilities can understand it," explained the UNESA Special Education (PLB) student.
Teman Netra from PLB, Aisya expressed her enthusiasm for the application. This application really helps friends with disabilities to determine their interests and talents, so they can find suitable employment opportunities.
“This application is very helpful, I use the Talkback feature so I can answer questions. "Answer columns containing 'Yes' and 'No' could possibly be added again," he said. [*]
Reporters: Dewanda Puspita (Internship), and Retno Nurus Sholekhah (Internship)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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