The Director of PPIS and the ranks of the UNESA PPKS Task Force provided socialization material, especially a number of important points emphasized in Permendikbudristek 55/2024.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the PPKS Task Force, Directorate for Prevention and Handling of Strategic Issues (PPIS) is intensifying the socialization of Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 55 of 2024 concerning Prevention and Handling of Violence in Higher Education Environments.
This outreach is carried out periodically targeting the academic community around the 'Home of Champions' campus. Socialization for lecturers was held online on Monday, 16 December 2024. Meanwhile for educational staff or staff it was held on Wednesday, 18 December 2024.
When opening the socialization for lecturers, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, Deputy Chancellor for Law, Management , Finance, Resources and Business said, Permendikbudristek 55/2024 is here to provide guarantees that the learning and education process in higher education is running smoothly. safe, comfortable and smooth.
Acts of violence in higher education can have a serious impact both on the individuals involved and on the campus environment as a whole. Therefore, prevention and control activities such as socialization must be carried out so that acts of violence do not occur in the campus environment and its surroundings.
"There are many types of violence that all parties must be aware of, there is physical violence, psychological or emotional violence, violence "verbal violence, sexual violence, socio-cultural violence, and other forms of pressure, coercion, and so on," he said.
The professor of curriculum development added that various prevention efforts were carried out by the 'One Step' campus. in Front' ie through firm, measurable and integrated policies. There is mental health and anti-violence education, safe and responsive reporting, and involving students in prevention efforts.

Vice Chancellor II UNESA conveyed a number of reinforcements and hopes that the Minister of Education and Culture's Regulations can be heeded, upheld and applied in everyday life on campus and outside campus.
This activity was carried out directly by the PPIS director along with all levels of PPIS sub-directorates. Chair of the PPKS Task Force, Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba, explained that violence regulated in Permendikbudristek 55/2024, is physical and psychological.
Physical violence is any act involving physical contact that is carried out without the use of tools. , for example, such as brawls, abuse, fights, economic exploitation through forced labor, murder or other acts that are declared as physical violence in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations.
Meanwhile, psychological violence is every non-physical act carried out aims to humiliate, insult, frighten, and/or create feelings of discomfort such as exclusion, rejection, neglect, humiliation, spreading rumors, ridiculing, intimidation, terror, and so on.
Director of PPIS, Mutimmatul Faidah said that the key words for violence are lack of consent, coercion, disagreement or disagreement. When, for example, an action occurs based on consent, likes and likes, not violence, therapy violates the applicable ethics, both student ethics, lecturer ethics, and staff ethics.
He invites the UNESA community to reflect again on the meaning of UNESA's motto. namely growing with character which must become a color in every daily action and behavior on campus and outside campus. "I hope that these ethical and character values will be upheld together and conveyed by lecturers to students in class," he said.[*]
Reporter: Muhammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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