Coordinator for the Substance of Collaboration and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Yayat Hendayana (second from the right) provided reinforcement regarding PDLN to encourage internationalization of UNESA.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the field of cooperation held Socialization and Technical Guidance regarding the Preparation of Documents for Application for Official Travel and Study Permits Abroad in State Universities in the auditorium on the 11th floor, Rectorate Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Monday, 3 June 2024.
This activity was attended by Yayat Hendayana, Coordinator of Substance Collaboration and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education and Culture, who provided reinforcement regarding PDLN (Overseas Service Travel) in an event attended by university level officials, rectorates and study programs.< /p>
Yayat explained, based on PDLN submission data for lecturers and students entering the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) in 2023-2024, there were 4,475 proposals for the lecturer category and 250 proposals for the student category.
From this application, there are 41 PDLN destination countries for the Indonesian higher education academic community. Of that number, the 10 countries with the most applications are Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, Australia, the Netherlands, England, South Korea, Taiwan, Germany and the United States.
It is hoped that strengthening UNESA's PDLN will encourage UNESA to become more involved in various academic and non-academic activities abroad.
"After "We looked at the PDLN permit application data, both 10 PTNs in the lecturer application category and 10 PTNs in the student application category, UNESA was not included in it. This means that UNESA leaders don't go abroad very often," he said.
For the community Academics who wish to carry out PDLN need to pay attention to the flow or SOP for applying for permits addressed to the Secretariat General, in this case the Bureau of Cooperation and Public Relations, and the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology.
"Permit application "PDLN must be based on effectiveness, efficiency, and have high priority and importance. Applications must not exceed the deadline. It is mandatory to submit PDLN activity reports via the SIMPEL Ministry of State Secretariat application no later than 7 working days after returning home," he explained. There are several new PDLN requirements as follows: (1) Letter of proposal from Focal Point PDLN Administration, (2) Letter of invitation from the organizer or cooperation partner abroad or letter of confirmation from the Indonesian government representative abroad in the destination country;
Next, (3) official documents regarding the source of financing (including DIPA, letter from donor, contract/agreement/MoU, or statement of own costs signed on stamp duty); (4) Schedule and agenda for overseas activities; (5) TOR of activities; (6) Explanation of the relevance, urgency/reason for the assignment;
Furthermore, (7) Written permission from the agency concerned if an official or employee is proposed by another agency. (8) Position paper and/or delegation guidelines (PDLN in the context of attending international meetings or assemblies); (9) Brochures or similar in order to participate in promotions/exhibitions;
Then, (10) Draft international agreements that have been discussed with the relevant agencies (PDLN for signing international agreements); (11) For civil servants, attach approval from the official who is their superior.
All levels of officials from the 'Home of Champions' campus attended the PDLN Socialization and Technical Guidance initiated by the UNESA collaboration sector.
In addition , there are several documents that need to be completed based on various PDLN categories. Firstly, study assignments must include LoA, activity schedule, Tubel SK, statement of financing, and statement of own costs if the financing component is borne by yourself.
Secondly, for the trial, meeting or discussion category, attach documents, invitation letters , position paper, activity schedule, statement of financing, and statement of own costs if the cost component is borne by yourself.
Third, the exhibition or expo category includes documents in the form of brochures, invitations, TOR, activity schedule and urgency. Fourth, the placement category includes an Indonesian Embassy invitation, agreement letter, decision letter and assignment letter.
"PDLN is important for strengthening the internationalization of state universities, recruiting and increasing the number of foreign students to participate in the UNESA program. It can also expand "reach of exchange and research programs, as well as collaboration with partners," said Yayat.
The activity, which was led by the Head of Sub-Directorate for International Affairs, Asrori, was attended by officials from the rectorate, faculties, study program coordinators and lecturers from UNESA. After that, Yayat Hendayana also provided strengthening of public relations human resources in building branding UNESA PTNBH World Class University.[]
Reporters: Sindy Riska (Fisipol), Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS), and Saputra (FBS)Editor: @zam*
Documentation: UNESA Public Relations and Information Directorate Team
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