Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The leadership of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) shared the governance of the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) with the leadership of the Satya Wacana Christian University (UKSW) Salatiga, at the FIKK Building, Campus II Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Monday, 23 September 2024.< /p>
In this meeting, UNESA was attended by Muhamad Sholeh as Director of Student and Alumni Affairs (Mawal), and Dwi Cahyo Kartiko as Dean of FIKK along with the team of program coordinators and lecturers within FIKK. In his speech, the UKSW Chancellor, Intiyas Utami, explained his aims and objectives for the visit.
"We want to know more about the governance of the sports faculty or FIKK at UNESA as the spearhead of UNESA's excellence in the field of sports. "Visiting is important, especially since our campus has received a QS Star Rating and requires us to have sports facilities," he said.

The UKSW leadership explored all the sports facilities at UNESA, from the Anti-Doping Laboratory, swimming pool, athletic fields, driving range (golf), equestrian arena, to the fitness center.
Director Mawal , Muhamad Sholeh said that the development of the sports sector at UNESA was progressing very rapidly. The contribution of UNESA's human resources in various national and international level programs and competitions cannot be counted on the fingers of one's fingers.
Likewise, their achievements are always impressive. Most recently, UNESA athletes won 123 medals at XXI PON in Aceh and contributed gold medals at the 2024 Paris Paralympics. However, there are still many student achievements in other academic fields.
Students have achieved achievements in the field of sports further strengthens UNESA's position as the 'Home of Champions' campus. The achievement ecosystem at UNESA is supported by a comprehensive student development system and program at the university level up to the study program. SWCU Salatiga in the lobby of FIKK UNESA Campus 2 Lidah Wetan." src="/images/foto-24-09-2024-06-16-29-4795.png" style="height:533px; width:800px" />
“We has a Subdirectorate of Interests and Talents which holds many competitions to strengthen student competencies and abilities. "If they are strong in internal competitions, we provide guidance and encourage them to compete outside," he explained.
Not only competitions, UNESA even has a system for selecting students who have certain interests and talents in each study program. "So, we have sent letters to each study program, stating that students are required to form groups to take part in competitions, for example, the Student Creativity Program (PKM)," said Sholeh.

SWCU leaders toured the 'Home of Champions' campus by bicycle.
Dean FIKK UNESA, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, said that the achievements recorded by FIKK UNESA in various prestigious competitions in the country and the world cannot be separated from the institution's commitment to advancing the world of sports in the country. This commitment has brought UNESA as the center of gravity for the development of sports sciences in Indonesia.
"Of course this is all related to human resources and international standard sports infrastructure owned by UNESA. "Because of these various factors, FIKK UNESA was appointed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) as one of the centers for developing SLOMPN athletes," said Cahyo.
This meeting was an important asset for both parties to establish future cooperation. There are several things that can be collaborated such as student and lecturer exchanges, guest lectures, comparative studies, and other collaborative programs.[]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (Internship)< /p>
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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