UNESA Deputy Chancellor for Division IV Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., (right), and UGM Secretariat Protocol Services Coordinator, Haryanto, S.E., M.M., (left) and his staff.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—The leadership of Surabaya State University (UNESA) and the leadership of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) held a meeting to share experiences in strengthening the governance of disability-friendly institutions in the Meeting Room, 9th floor, Rectorate, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan on Wednesday, June 5 2024.
The UGM Secretariat Protocol Services Coordinator, Haryanto, S.E., M.M., said that UGM is intensively strengthening disability-friendly programs. Therefore, his party needs to share experiences with universities that have excellence in the field of disabilities, one of which is UNESA.
“This meeting is important for us to be able to share and share experiences in the field of disabilities. "Of course, the experience of UNESA friends in the field of disabilities can be part of strengthening our disability services at UGM," he said.
Vice Chancellor for Planning, Development, Cooperation and Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., hopes that this discussion and sharing of experiences can provide new ideas and experiences that can be adopted to strengthen the field of disabilities on each campus.
“We are very happy to be able to share experiences and knowledge about improving the quality of services in the field of disabilities. We believe that collaboration between universities like this can improve the quality of services for students with disabilities in Indonesia," he added.
Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., professor of special education management at UNESA (left), and Dr. Wagino, M.Pd., UNESA Director of Disabilities (right).
UNESA professor of special education management, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., explained that apart from service programs, the 'Home of Champions' campus also has a multitude of innovations in the field of disability.
On an international scale, UNESA has launched a ranking in the field of disability, Disability Inclusion Metrics (UNESA-DIMETRIC) since 2022. This ranking is followed by various universities at home and abroad.
Through its academic community, UNESA produces various innovations in the form of applications in the field of disabilities, such as EasyIndo, which was developed by a team of UNESA lecturers to help people who have communication barriers. This application can be used by both disabled and non-disabled groups >Next, there is the Inclupedia Teacher application, an Android-based self-assessment application that can be used to analyze teachers' experiences in managing inclusion management learning, so that the assessment results can be used as material for analysis to support the learning process.
Next, the Inclupedia application who are present to assist parents or people with disabilities in carrying out assessments and consultations regarding 'disabilities'. This service application has three priority services, assessment, consultation and job vacancy information services.
Leaders of Surabaya State University (UNESA) and UGM after a discussion session on strengthening programs and services disability-friendly at the Lidah Wetan Campus 2 Rectorate, Surabaya.
Director of Disabilities UNESA, Dr. Wagino, M.Pd., also added that UNESA has a lot of collaboration with foreign partners in the field of disabilities. One of them is with experts from Open University, UK. This long-standing collaboration has succeeded in giving birth to several breakthroughs such as the development of Signalong Indonesia or a sign language system which in its development has been realized in the form of a Digital Sign Language Dictionary.
"We also have services or programs that bridge graduates or new generations. disability work and the world of work. "There are also innovations based on assistive technology, such as Virtual Reality as a Spatial-type Movement Development Program for Cerebral Palsy Children," he explained.
In addition to discussions, the UGM PPID team was invited to see the facilities owned by UNESA, such as disability-friendly learning rooms. , assistive technology devices, as well as academic and non-academic support systems for students with disabilities.
During the meeting, the UGM Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) also expressed the hope that it could collaborate with UNESA. This activity was attended by members of the Information and Documentation Management Officer (PPID), and UGM Public Relations.
Apart from that, there were also members of the Legal and Organizational Bureau team, Faculty/School Administration Office, and the UGM secretariat team. They were welcomed by the Deputy Chancellor for Division IV UNESA, as well as directors, deans, heads of institutions, heads of sub-directorates, and heads of UNESA environmental units.
Reporter: Nelly (FIP), and Ja'far (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations and Information Directorate Team Documentation
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