The UNESA lecturer team equips teachers with the ability to create learning media by utilizing Google Sites.
Unesa. ac.id., SIDOARJO–A team of Surabaya State University (UNESA) lecturers implemented a Community Service (PKM) program by providing education about the use of Google Sites as a learning medium to teachers at Sepuluh Nopember Middle School, Sidoarjo.
Activities are carried out continuously, from January to August. The aim is to improve the ability of teachers to develop innovative and effective website-based learning media.
The team leader, Martini Dwi Endah Susanti, explained that the use of digital learning media is increasingly important along with technological developments and the demands of generation Z who are digitally literate. .
"Through platforms such as Google Sites, teachers can create learning experiences that are more interactive, interesting, and easily accessible at any time," he said.

In this training, teachers who produce the best learning media receive appreciation in the form of awards.
This training attended by 31 teachers of various subjects. They are equipped with skills in designing websites that can support learning. The participants were invited to immediately practice creating a website using Google Sites, with assistance from the UNESA team.
"Hopefully teachers will become more adaptive to current developments and provide more interesting learning for students," he hoped.
With this initiative, it is hoped that the quality of learning in partner schools will increase, both for teachers and students. It also helps improve the quality of learning at the school.
The event was initiated by a team consisting of Rindu Puspita Wibawa; I Gusti Lanang Putra Eka Prismana; Bambang Sujatmiko; Harun Al Rosyid; and Ramadhan Cakra Wibawa. They were welcomed by the school and hope that similar training can be carried out in the future.
The school principal, Saiful Tulus Jatmika, expressed his appreciation for UNESA's contribution in improving the competence of teaching staff at his school. He hopes that there will be other programs that can help improve the quality of education at Sepuluh Nopember Middle School.[]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PKM Team
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