UNESA.ac.id. SURABAYA - Surabaya State University (Unesa) Through the Directorate of Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues (PPIS) again presents the 'Ngabuburit Boreng PPIS' program that discusses 'Loans in Islamic Perspective' which is broadcast live through Resource persons, Khusnul Fikriyah, Lecturer in the Study Program (Study Program) of the Islamic Economy said that the matter of debt has a rules of Islam, can be done in an emergency with the intention to pay off, and does not contain ziyadah or usury. With a variety of offers and conveniences, loans are rife lately.
"Many use the loan without understanding what long -term consequences and the return on how.
Because they do not think about the consequences, and consider the return, finally the loan can have an impact on a person's psychological condition; mental pressure to depression.
"The system of loan systems such as terrorizing.
Besides having a mental impact, in general the loan system also contains elements of interest or usury, which is forbidden in Islam. It is illegitimate usury because it causes people who are in debt to be more burdened.
According to him, the rise of loans is one of them, because the lifestyle is incorrect, aka less able to distinguish between needs and desires. The desire directed by impulsive emotional regulations so that they are entangled into the debt cycle.
"Dig the hole cover the hole. This financial problem requires the right alternative soslusion, and financial planning.
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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