Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - The future of Indonesia is drawn in the vision of Indonesia Emas 2045, the quality of its human quality is determined. Human quality is determined by the quality of education. Therefore, access and quality of education must be really considered.
After the children of the nation proceed through education, then the next is the need for industrialization to absorb the resources and competencies produced. In the hands of the younger generation who control the industry and strategic sector, the future of the country is continued.
That Various things are discussed and discussed in Talkshow: The Next Indonesia, Inauguration of IKA UNESA Central Board in Ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya on Saturday, January 25, 2025.
Present As a speaker, Didik Prasetiyono as President Director of PT Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER); and Adi Prayitno, academics and observers from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
In his material entitled 'Sustainable Infrastructure as a driver of economic growth,' Didik Prasetiyono explained the number of industries in East Java which reached 833,726 business units consisting of small industries , menngan and big.
Relations with labor, medium and large -scale industries absorb a lot of labor. While small industries such as MSMEs, although the number is large, but the absorption of its labor is low.
"So far we talk about demographic bonuses, but we do not talk much about how they are absorbed in the industry. Demographic bonuses must be answered by providing jobs and good economic growth, "he said.
The absorption of labor is not separated from industrialization. If the government wants to realize the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045, according to him there must be a shortcut or cross-buttting-tec that is the strengthening of digitalization, bio-energy, carbon capture , energy efficiency , until green ammonia .
Thus, Indonesia can reach the green industry, GDP per capita eight thousand to ten thousand in 2030 , there is no shortcut, so there is not a golden generation, but anxious generation.
"The potential explosion of this labor if it is not absorbed properly, then we can become a country with Middle-Income Trap < /Em> or a country with a mending revenue trap, "he said.
In the second session, Political Observer Adi Prayitno highlighted the phenomenon of a reduction in the desire of people to groups that are dangerous to the realm of democracy. There are two keys to social capital that is important to note, namely interpersonal trust and civic engagement .
"Social community is important as part of collective action, and this In connection with IKA UNESA, "he said.
He stressed that the problem of poverty has been related to the 'tradition' of very high corruption. If corruption can be eliminated or at least reduced, it can already be a solution to various problems that occur in this nation.
The political observer quotes the Indonesian APBN leak data which reaches 30 percent every year. If the corrupted funds are used for the world of education, then there are no more students who are in arrears, children are not in school because of cost problems, etc.
related to the next Indonesia, of course The point is the problem of corruption and the quality of human resources. Regarding the second point, his condition is now worrying, only 10 percent of Indonesian people have graduated from tertiary institutions. "The opportunity to get access to education is the key to solving the rooted problems in this nation," he said. [*]
Reporter: Gusti Putra Arafts (FBS), and Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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