The Dean of FIP, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si., inspected the BK student exhibition booths one by one at the UNESA FIP Hall.
Unesa., SURABAYA – As an implementation of Merdeka Belajar, UNESA FIP Counseling Guidance (BK) Undergraduate students for the first time carried out the 2024 Work Degree at the Hall of the Faculty of Education (FIP), Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, on Monday, 10 June 2024.
This time, the work title was presented by class of 2023 students from 8 classes who displayed various creative and innovative works with a total of 64 products displayed, including applications, websites, learning videos and modules.
In his speech, Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, S.Pd., M.Pd., as lecturer in the Information Technology and Media Guidance Counseling course explained that this activity was a design from the start of the lecture whose output was project-based.
"I hope that this activity will not only stop at today's exhibition, but there will be even better developments so that it can be used as additional income for students," he said.
Dean of FIP UNESA, Prof. Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc., appreciated this activity because it was the first time the BK Study Program had presented its work.
"Of course the students' works will not only stop here, but will be exhibited at other events so that "Our work will be known and utilized by community stakeholders including guidance and counseling teachers and guidance and counseling observers," he said.
FIP leaders and lecturers accompany students in the 2024 Work Degree.
One of The product that attracted visitors' attention was the snakes and ladders game-based learning media created by Mayda Nurul Habibah and her group with the theme "Leader of Discipline" which teaches students to understand discipline packaged in children's games.
"We created this learning media as a solution to the current problem, namely the decline in children's discipline at school, so it is hoped that this game can become an exciting and enjoyable learning media for children," he said.
p>Talitha Hasnabila Firjatullah, as chair of the 2024 Karya Karya event committee, said that these works had been in progress since the beginning of semester 2 with the aim of showing them to external parties who might be interested in inviting collaboration.
In addition That, can attract the attention of potential clients and bring the work to a wider realm. Talitha emphasized that this event was organized by the BK Study Program.
She hopes that the works created by the class of 2023 students will be useful. "We hope that these works can hone our friends' creativity, so that they don't just stop here, but also think about developing their abilities further," he said.
With the 2024 Karya Degree, it is hoped that students BK can show their potential and establish wider cooperation, as well as increase creativity in the field of BK.[]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)/ Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR team documentation
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