Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Humanitarian project team 1 from the Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Sports and Science Health (FIKK), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held nutrition education with the theme "Optimizing Nutrition Towards Healthy, Anemia-Free Adolescents" at SMK Negeri 1 Driyorejo in May 2024.
Based on interviews with the Driyorejo Community Health Center, the problem Anemia is still a serious concern among young women. A female student at SMKN 1 Driyorejo who is anemic has been given intervention in the form of blood supplement tablets by the community health center for 1 month.
However, the lack of understanding regarding anemia and the importance of taking TTD means that this intervention has not produced maximum results as evidenced by the results of measuring hemoglobin levels which do not show an increase.
So, through nutrition education organized by Team 1 of the Humanitarian Project, it is hoped that it can increase students' understanding of the importance of balanced nutritional intake in preventing and treating anemia.
The nutrition education which lasted for two hours was attended by 27 class X female students who had low hemoglobin levels, as well as several PMR Teams as companions. Team 1 of the Humanitarian Project, consisting of 9 students, collaborated with the school to develop an interactive and educational program.
The presentation of the material was delivered by Dascha and Rahmadina, students majoring in Nutrition who are also members of the Humanitarian Project Team. In his presentation, Dascha explained the causes, symptoms and impact of anemia in adolescents.
"Anemia is a common condition in teenagers, especially due to a lack of iron intake in daily food. It is important for us to understand a healthy and balanced diet in order to prevent this condition," said Dascha.
Furthermore, Rahmadina, a colleague from Dascha, emphasized the importance of consuming iron-rich foods such as red meat, green vegetables and nuts, as well as Blood Supplement Tablets (TTD) to support increasing hemoglobin.
Apart from that, he also provides tips on how to increase iron absorption in the body, such as consuming vitamin C together with foods that contain iron and avoiding consuming tea for 2 hours after or before consuming foods that contain iron.
Team 1 of the UNESA FIKK Nutrition Study Program's Humanitarian Project Team with teachers at SMKN 1 Driyorejo.
One The student, Oktia, admitted that she gained a lot of new knowledge from this activity. "I know better what foods I should consume to overcome anemia. It turns out that spinach and red meat are very important for health," he said.
Another student, Aisyah, added "The question and answer session was very useful, I learned that eating meatballs should not be accompanied by drinking tea, because it will inhibit the absorption of iron from the meat"
As a first step in overcoming anemia, Team 1 of the Humanitarian Project also launched a special mission entitled "One Day, One Tablet to Increase Blood for One Week". This program aims to help female students meet their iron intake through supplementation.
Each female student is given one blood supplement tablet per day for one week, accompanied by education about the importance of maintaining consistency in consuming these supplements and monitoring via the WhatsApp group media.
The Coordinator of the School Health Unit (UKS) at SMKN 1 Driyorejo, Mrs. Nurus, appreciated the initiative of the Humanitarian Project Team in holding this activity. "We are very grateful for the care and efforts of the UNESA Humanitarian Nutrition Project Team. Education like this can increase our female students' understanding of anemia," he said. Mrs. Nurus also hopes that similar activities can continue to be carried out.
With the success of this event, Team 1 of the Humanitarian Project hopes to continue to contribute to improving public health, especially in the field of nutrition. "We hope that this activity can have a positive impact and that female students can apply the knowledge they have gained in their daily lives," said the head of the KKN Team, Alya Hasna.[]
Author: Team 1 Humanitarian Project UNESA Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program
Photo: Team 1 Doc of Humanitarian Project UNESA Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program
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