SNK 2024 material session with resource persons from PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo.
Unesa. ac.id SURABAYA—Strengthening the collaboration of smart technology with chemistry in realizing sustainable development goals or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is an important discussion at the 2024 National Seminar on Chemistry (SNK) held by the Chemistry Education Study Program and Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Surabaya State University (UNESA), on Saturday, September 21 2024.
Seminar which took place online with the theme ' Smart Technology Collaboration with Chemistry and Learning to Realize Sustainable Development Goals'was attended by a number of key speakers including; ChM. WenNee Tan, Ph.D., MMIC, MRSC from Universiti Sains Malaysia; Ir. Rochmad Indrawanto, S.TP., M.MT from PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo; and Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd (Surabaya State University).
Apart from that, there were also other speakers such as; Prof. Dr. Jusniar, S.Pd., M.Pd., from Makassar State University (UNM); Dr. Sc. Bangun Satrio N., M.Sc from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN); Dr. Ridwan J., M.Si from State University of Malang (UM); Dr. Abdul Rohim Tualeka, M.Kes from Airlangga University (Unair); Dr. Napsin Palisoa, S.Pd., M.Pd from Pattimura University (Unpatti); and Anggi Khairina, M.Sc., from the Indonesian Defense University.

The Dean of FMIPA UNESA provided reinforcement in SNK 2024.
Chairman of the committee , Kusumawati Dwiningsih said that this seminar discussed various topics in the fields of chemistry and technology, including the role of learning media in overcoming chemical misconceptions. Apart from that, it also discusses the integration of essential oils and nanotechnology, the production of non-dairy powdered creamer in support of the SDGs, as well as green chemical innovation and smart technology for the SDGs.
“Current issues such as the application of graphene oxide and the development of forensic chemistry in Indonesia is also a concern. Including, several aspects that are the topic of this seminar, namely; chemistry education, materials chemistry, organic/pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical process technology, and preneurship chemistry," he said.
He added, this seminar is intended to strengthen the innovation ecosystem in the chemical field. Chemical scientists and practitioners, he continued, have a big responsibility to continue to innovate, so that the breakthroughs that are born can support sustainable management of natural resources.
"This event is also an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between researchers , educator, and chemistry practitioner. "I hope that we can all share knowledge, experience and new ideas that can be applied in learning and research in the field of chemistry," he said.

Material session with Sukarmin, Chemistry lecturer, FMIPA UNESA .
Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Dr. Wasis, M.Si., appreciated the implementation of the 2024 SNK. "This seminar is an important platform for exchanging ideas and ideas, as well as encouraging collaboration between experts in the field of chemistry and chemical education. We hope that, through this event, new innovations will be born that can improve the quality of intelligent and cultured human resources," he said .
In addition to discussion and presentation of material, this seminar also provided scholarships to outstanding students. Scholarships were handed over by the Chair of IKA Chemistry, Lukman Sugiharto Wijaya to four students from the Chemistry Study Program and Chemistry Education Study Program, namely Rahmadian Kahfi Zulfa Kamila, Renita Meilasari, Sri Renata Mahardika, and Lily Widya Sari.
The 2024 National Chemistry Seminar is expected to be a stepping stone to create innovation and collaboration in order to realize sustainable development goals, especially in the fields of chemistry and technology.[]< /p>
Reporter: Zakariya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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