The UNESA 3 Surabaya Labschool students presented the creative process behind the work they exhibited.
Unesa., SURABAYA—In order to support the implementation of the independent curriculum in the school environment, students of Labschool UNESA 3 Lidah Wetan Middle School exhibited their work through Fun Learning on Thursday, June 6 2024 at Ciputra World Mall Surabaya.
Fun learning activities or learning that is fun for students is an agenda that has been implemented even before the independent curriculum was implemented.
This is in line with what the Principal of Labschool Unesa 3 Middle School, Dian Hijrah Saputra, S.Pd., M.M., said, that meaningful education will be obtained by students easily when the learning process is also enjoyable.
p>According to him, this activity has been implemented since students were in grades 7 and 8, where the projects were still carried out in groups.
So that when they are in grade 9, there are projects that they have to do individually to fulfill graduation requirements.
The atmosphere of the exhibition was attended by lecturers from Surabaya State University (UNESA) who were part of the assessment team.
“Steps "This is a good thing, because it instills a sense of responsibility and fosters teamwork from an early age," he said.
The various works displayed by the students ranged from mini cinemas, cooking modifications, to making simple games. .
In it they also invited several lecturers from Surabaya State University (UNESA) to become judges, who witnessed and directly assessed the work presentations of each student.
A big step has been taken by SMP Labschool Unesa 3 for students, to become quality graduates who are able to adapt to developments in the modern world.
Students are required to implement the understanding they gain during learning so that they don't just understand the theories. (*)
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Labschool team documentation UNESA
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