Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The National Selection Committee for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) launched the 2025 state university entrance selection system on Wednesday, December 11 2024. The admission system is through three routes, namely the National Selection Path Based on Achievement (SNBP); National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT); and Independent Selection.
Head of Sub-Directorate for Student Admissions and Graduation at UNESA, Sukarmin, explained that the selection for new student admissions this time still uses three selection routes, as in previous years. It's just that there are a number of innovations for 2025.
A number of changes in question include increasing the quota for eligible students by 5% for schools that use the e-report system on SNBP. Meanwhile at SNBT, there is flexibility for students to choose up to a maximum of four study programs.
"The choice of a maximum of 4 study programs is to support prospective students to explore their potential and interests and choose a study program according to their potential and interests. SNBT," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA).
SNBT pathway participants are allowed to choose a maximum of 4 study program options, provided that participants can choose 2 academic undergraduate program options (S-1 or bachelor's degree) and 2 choices of vocational programs (three diploma and four diploma or applied bachelor's degree).
Sukarmin explained, for participants who choose 1 to 2 study programs, they can choose any study program available on the desired campus, either These are academic undergraduate (S-1), applied undergraduate (D-4) and triple diploma (D-3) study programs.
Meanwhile, participants who choose 3 study programs must combine them, namely by choosing 2 academic undergraduate study programs. (S-1) and 1 vocational study program with an applied bachelor's degree (D-4) or third diploma (D-3). You can also have 1 undergraduate study program (S-1), and 2 applied undergraduate study programs (D-4) or third diploma (D-3).
"For students who don't want to choose a bachelor's or "S-1, for example, you can also choose 3 vocational study programs with the provisions, 2 applied undergraduate study programs (D-4) and 1 diploma study program (D-3)," explained Sukarmin.
Furthermore, for participants who choose 4 study programs can be combined, namely 2 academic undergraduate study programs (S-1), 1 applied undergraduate study program (D-4), and 1 third diploma study program (D-3). You can also have 1 academic undergraduate study program (S-1), and 3 vocational programs, provided that one of them must have a diploma study program (D-3).
Selection for new student admissions in 2025 applies the principles of flexibility, efficiency, transparency , fairness, no conflict, and accountability, which is expected to bring a spirit of justice and transparency during the selection process.
The SNBP stage for schools begins with the announcement of school quotas on December 28 2024. Meanwhile for students begins with the Student SNPMB Account Registration stage on January 13–February 18 2025. Then, the SNBT stage begins with student SNPMB account registration on January 13–March 27 2025.
Then, UTBK and SNBT registration on 11 –27 March 2025. Implementation of UTBK is carried out in one wave for 10 days with two sessions per day on 23–30 April and 2–3 May 2025. "Each participant can only take UTBK once, and the results are only valid for SNBT selection and PTN admission in 2025," stressed Sukarmin.
With these various changes, Sukarmin appealed to schools, teachers, and participants to prepare themselves from now on, including immediately taking care of the documents required in each admission route.
"Because there can now be a maximum of four study programs to choose from, start identifying study programs that suit your needs. interests, talents and future careers. "Make sure the study program you choose suits your abilities, don't just choose randomly, let alone follow your friends," he advised.[*]
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