Students who qualify for superior scholarships sign contracts and receive training at the Aria Centra Hotel on October 28 2024.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—A total of 65 Surabaya State University (UNESA) students have qualified as recipients of the Excellence Scholarship. They signed a contract, underwent inauguration, and received debriefing together with 35 scholarship recipients from other campuses at the Aria Centra Hotel, on October 28 2024.
This activity was attended by 100 prospective scholarship awardees consisting of undergraduate, applied undergraduate, masters, and doctorates from various universities in the East Java region.
The Outstanding Community Achievement Scholarship is a program that aims to improve the abilities and competencies of Indonesian human resources.
This scholarship is given to outstanding communities who have intellectual, emotional and spiritual abilities. This scholarship is also given to people with disabilities.
The components of the scholarship provided are education costs, living costs and book costs. With education costs for students studying at PTN in the form of UKT, while students from PTS consist of fixed tuition fees per semester and SKS fees.
The duration of the superior scholarships for each level is 4 years (8 semesters) for students new students, and the remaining study period for on-going students at undergraduate and applied undergraduate levels is 2 years (4 semesters) for new students.
Then, the remaining study period for on-going master's level students, and 3 years (6 semesters) for new students, and the remaining study period for on-going doctoral level students.

Septien Prima Diassari provides reinforcement in the debriefing session for scholarship recipients.
Septien Prima Diassari, as chairman The Higher Education Scholarship Work Team of the Ministry of Education and Culture said that they are disseminating information and technical guidance ahead of contract signing as the final validation of the inauguration of the 2024 superior scholarship awardee status.
The total number of awardees selected in the 2024 superior scholarship class is 2,600 awardees from the final selection based on all stages.
"The total number of superior scholarship applicant accounts in 2024 has increased significantly compared to previous years, which was usually around 19,000+ accounts, to reach around 24,000+ registered accounts this year." said Septien.
"After the first stage of administrative selection, until the second stage of interview selection, around 4,500 candidates were obtained which was carried out in two weeks. "Then around 2,600 candidates were declared to have passed the second stage to be followed up in technical guidance and awardee contract signing."
Septien emphasized his hope for awardees to complete their studies well and graduate on time, as funding for superior scholarships comes from the APBN. It is hoped that the awardees will be able to contribute to society and the country.
Ayunita Haq, recipient of a scholarship from UNESA's Bachelor of Physics Class of 2023, said that one of the things that needs to be prepared to get the scholarship is an essay.

Faradita Sabrina Khotijah and Ayunita Haq, students at the 'Home of Champions' campus, recipients of superior scholarships.
In her essay, Ayunita offers contribution of technological innovation in the form of a tool capable of cleaning and sorting aquatic waste using an automatic conveyor system based on ultrasonic sensors.
Apart from designing the installation, he also plans to develop computing in the form of an application to control the performance of the tool. Thus, cleaning waters from waste can be a contribution that supports the SDGs to achieve sustainable development.
“Keep trying and never give up, don't hesitate to build relationships with people around you. "A scholarship is not just financial assistance, but also a mandate and demands to be an inspirational person for others," he said.
Meanwhile, Faradita Sabrina Khotijah, a scholarship recipient from the UNESA Accounting Study Program class of 2023 offered a contribution through training targeting MSME entrepreneurs to overcome difficulties in preparing financial reports in accordance with accounting standards.
This innovation is based on the 'Si Apik' application which is an application developed by Bank Indonesia to help prepare MSME financial reports digitally.
"Not only providing financial assistance, superior scholarships also offer various personal skills development training for awardees in communities that support educational progress. "So it is important to prepare documents, achievements, experience and academics to be able to pass the selection up to the interview stage," he said.[*]***
Reporter: Tarisa Adistia (FBS )
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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