Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—The application of information technology in learning has become a separate color in the learning and learning system at SD Labschool Unesa 2 Surabaya. The school has a chromebook program designed to support student learning and learning activities.
This program allows students to obtain material and references from various learning sources. The principal of SD Labschool Unesa 2 Lidah Wetan, Hapsari Dewi, S.Pd., revealed that by using chromebook media, the learning resources that students get are wider.
This allows students to get the material and references they need. in learning and encouraging them to be more creative in utilizing learning resources, of course with teacher guidance or assistance.
"The target is grade 3-6 students. Mathematics, and Projects (P5). There is also e-learning, so students take advantage of various questions from e-learning, then use Canva, Quizizz, YouTube and Google which can be used as learning resources," he said at the Unesa Labschool some time ago.
Hapsari added, in this learning process especially the chromebook program received high enthusiasm from the students. "Very enthusiastic, in fact it's hard to stop when learning has started. The only obstacle and it's a bit confusing is the internet when it gets stuck," he said.
Even so, the chromebook program has become an innovation that embodies ideas students which can be poured into various poster works. Gradually, the use of IT will be applied to all lessons which will make it easier for students to obtain information and knowledge. another simple poster. Hapsari hopes that this program can run smoothly so that they can optimally explore the abilities possessed by students. positive things," he concluded. [*]
Author: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team< /p>
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