Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA--Senior lecturer at the School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UITM), Malaysia, Dr. Mohammad Nor Azmi bin Abdul Patar held a meeting with the ranks of Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNESA at FT, Ketintang Campus on Monday, September 4 2023.
Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan, S.Pd., M.Pd ., the coordinator of the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program, said that the meeting discussed opportunities to develop cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering, especially the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program and the School of Mechanical Engineering, UITM. , research, publication and community service. "One of the follow-ups to this meeting, the project will soon carry out joint research and publication," he said.
He added that there are many programs that students from various study programs in other engineering fields can take. There has already been a green light in the form of scholarships for those who wish to further study there, and vice versa.
He hopes that with this collaboration, the quality of graduates from the Faculty of Engineering will continue to improve and strengthen competence through learning on campuses abroad that are in line with with the MBKM program itself. "Hopefully this collaboration will continue in the future," he hoped.
Meanwhile, Aris Dwi Indriyanti, S.Kom., M.Kom., Deputy Dean of Planning, Finance, Resources, General Affairs, Cooperation , and FT Information and Communication Technology said that this meeting was the first step to collaborate further with the School Engineering UITM.
"Previously we have worked closely with UITM and this time we discussed the MoA plan for cooperation in other fields. We hope that after this there will be a mutual understanding and realized. Hopefully we will push other study programs towards this collaboration," he said. Meanwhile, Mohammad Nor Azmi bin Abdul Patar, said that UITM has around 500 programs that can be chosen according to the needs of study programs and faculties. He himself has an interest or specialist in biomedical engineering and robotics.
"Hopefully we can work together in my area of expertise or opportunities for cooperation in other fields," he said in an agenda attended by faculty members , Mechanical Engineering Education study program, as well as lecturers in FT. [*]
Author: hasna
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation Public Relations Team
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